Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Fabulous Marcus Bachmann's Anti-Cussing Crusade

Hart Van Denburg at the City Pages Blotter:

Marcus Bachmann is shocked, offended and saddened that Tarryl Clark would stoop so low as to use a "profanity-laced attack" against his wife in a campaign ad.

And if you'd just write her a check today, Michele Bachmann would feel so much better. In Fact, if she could just raise $150,000 by Friday, she'd feel just great.

Thanks to the City Pages, we have the hilarious letter in its entirety:

Dear [supporter]
I'm disgusted with the crude attacks the left launches every day against my wife and I'm writing to you with an urgent appeal to stop them.

Each week, liberals who want to defeat my wife stoop to a new low. You may remember this summer when left-wing activists littered Minnesota with posters advertising a concert called "F*** Michele Bachmann." Before that, Playboy magazine had to pull an explicit and repulsive article about conservative women, including my wife. And just a few weeks ago while campaigning for Michele's opponent, former President Bill Clinton referred to Michele and other Tea Party activists as "stupid."

I had hoped Michele's opponent, Tarryl Clark, would be above this type of behavior. But I am sad to report that she has just released a 30-second attack ad that uses a false, profanity-laced attack against my wife. This attack ad literally uses symbols to indicate profanity against Michele -- something I have never seen before in a campaign advertisement.

But while you and I can see through Tarryl Clark's transparent attempts to lure my wife into a grade school cussing match, others in our home district and around the country who don't know Michele may believe these attacks. That's why I'm reaching out to you today to help Michele fight back. Based on the advertising information we have received, Tarryl Clark is going to spend at least $150,000 smearing Michele on TV this week alone. We're planning to launch a counter offensive and must immediately raise $150,000 by Friday to respond.

Will you follow this link to pitch in $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to help Michele defend herself against these vulgar attacks?

Of course you won't see the mainstream media condemn this behavior, because as we have seen with Sarah Palin - anything is fair game when you are running against a conservative -- and effective -- woman. And of course the liberal-left is cheering these attacks on.

Michele is a dedicated wife, mother, foster mother, friend, and respected member of our community. I'm outraged to see Tarryl Clark stoop to this desperate low point. Clark believes her ad with foul language will distract voters away from her support for Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's leftist policies.

Michele is focused on representing our values in Congress and she doesn't need to use foul language to get that point across. So I ask that you help Michele raise $150,000 to stand up to these character assassins. We cannot allow them to win and every dollar you generously give today will be used to fight back against these attacks.

My wife continues to amaze me each day as she stands up to her critics to defend our values. But I know she cannot stand alone. She needs to know you stand with her. Please follow this link to generously give any amount you can afford to show Michele you support her and denounce these offensive attacks. Thank you so much for your support of Michele and her campaign.

Marcus Bachmann

P.S. Tarryl Clark has joined her liberal friends in launching vulgar attacks on my wife. She has released a $150,000 attack ad that uses profanity directed at Michele and we need your immediate support to fight back. Will you help Michele raise $150,000 by Friday to fund a response based on the issues in this campaign? Your support means all the difference as Michele continues to fight for our values.

That's telling 'em, Macho-Man Marcus!

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