Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Strib: MN Tea Partiers "Mixed Feelings" About MN GOP, Michele Bachmann

Kevin Diaz at the Star Tribune:

Candidacies like O'Donnell's and Bachmann's remain a test for the Tea Party's relationship to the Republican Party, which some activists view with distrust.

Before Bachmann launched her House Tea Party Caucus in Congress, she met with local Tea Party organizers.

"People left the meeting with a lot of mixed feelings," Boss recalls.

Apparently, some Tea Partiers blame the Bachmann rally which drained their meager coffers:

Lack of organization has also made them cash-poor. A dispute between Backdahl and Liebo over the cost of a single bus charter to Bachmann's House Call rally in Washington last November underscored the financial constraints they face as one of the smallest-dollar Tea Party groups in the nation.

Bachmann has no problem ditching causes and throwing allies under the bus - Bachmann didn't hesitate to thumb her nose at Missouri Tea Partiers when she endorsed Roy Blunt.

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