Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dump Bachmann toilet paper is Michele Bachmann up close and personal

Although we had no part in it, we here at Dump Bachmann are flush with pride over the latest piece of Bachmannalia to hit the shelves—Dump Bachmann toilet paper.

Each sheet is emblazoned with an image of our 6th District congresswoman with that vacant look in her eyes, along with one of three slogans: “Wipe Away Ignorance!,” “Don’t Be Anti-American!,” and “Do Your Duty!”. At only $9.95 a roll, it’s a must-have for your next political fundraiser. also sells Sarah Palin toilet paper. Or if you want to have your bathrooms gender-balanced, you can roll with Dick Cheney, George Bush and John McCain t.p.

The Bachmann folks will no doubt poo-poo this new promotional item for Michele. But we’re finding it hard to wipe the smile off our face—especially when we think of what a perfect fit this is for Bachmann’s friends at ASSS.

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