Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Lesson for Bachmann and Other Anti-Gay Bigots - God will Punish You!

In last week's post about anti-masturbation crusader Pastor John Piper, I failed to mention that Piper was also the minister who last year claimed a tornado in Minneapolis was a warning from Jesus, who "controls the wind, including all tornados" to Lutherans not to "condone" homosexuality.

Here's another example of Piper's "theology":

The sexual disordering of our lives, most vividly seen in homosexuality (though not only there), is the judgment of God upon the human race because we have exchanged the glory of God for other things. Sometimes people ask, "Is AIDS the judgment of God on homosexuality?" The answer from this text is: homosexuality itself is a judgment on the human race, because we have exchanged the glory of God for the creature - and so is AIDS and cancer and arthritis and Alzheimer's and every other disease and every other futility and misery in the world, including death.

There's a lot more anti-gay stuff on his ministry's website. Here is Pastor Piper in a video titled "Homosexuality: God Gave Them Over".

That got me thinking... if something bad - something really bad happened to John Piper's ministry, wouldn't that be proof that God punishes anti-gay, theocratic bigots instead?

Here for example, is a parable that used to be on the Desiring God website, but is now preserved on Dump Bachmann...

Back in May, 2008, John Piper was all excited about a project in Minneapolis called Hope Commons:

The new place of ministry means moving the classes and library and offices to Hope Commons at 2300 Chicago Avenue South. This former hospital building will house Hope Academy (K-12), Minnesota Teen Challenge, TBI, and Desiring God and Children’s Desiring God. The building is free from a visionary donor. But the ministries must pay to build out the space. That is what we are praying toward now.


I would like to be a part of this vision for the remainder of my life. I believe the church and the world need leaders shaped by this vision of God. I pray that you will find it compelling. If you would like to know more or to share in it, please contact Craig Howse, Director of Institutional Advance, Tim Tomlinson, Executive Director of TBI, or Tom Steller, Dean of TBI.

Now, here is the rest of the story (no longer on the ministry website, but cached here):

Important Building Update

Dear DG Friends,

We want to update you on some important, unexpected developments regarding the Hope Commons building, which is to house Desiring God’s new offices, and also to ask you to pray with us.

Hope Commons Construction Project Suspended

On October 7, five days after reaching our “Building Capacity” fundraising goal, we suspended construction in our leased space at Hope Commons until further notice. Our hope is that this suspension is temporary and we will resume the project soon.

We took this action after receiving information that the individual who purchased the building in 2006 was named at the end of September in the fraud investigation of Tom Petters and his associates conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Desiring God’s legal counsel reviewed the available facts and recommended we suspend construction until more is known.

Here is the essential information that prompted this action:

The anonymous donor (we do not make public the names of donors) who purchased Hope Commons and deeded it to a Christian nonprofit foundation is a close business associate of Mr. Tom Petters.

They're talking about this guy.

Mr. Petters has been charged with multiple serious crimes, including investor fraud, and is being sued by the United States government in civil court. Certain persons associated with Mr. Petters have already pleaded guilty to crimes involving fraud.

The purchaser of Hope Commons is named in the same civil action as Mr. Petters.

Our legal counsel is concerned that the ownership of and legal interests in Hope Commons could be adversely affected as a result of these developments, putting Desiring God’s occupancy and investment in Hope Commons at risk.

Please note that as of this time, it is our understanding that the purchaser of Hope Commons has NOT been charged with any crimes.

Again, we have NOT terminated our lease or the construction project. Suspending construction allows us to monitor the situation and research all of our options without continuing to spend donated resources on construction expenses in the event that a worse-case scenario unfolds. Our desire remains to move into Hope Commons as a tenant.

How Much Have We Invested in Hope Commons to Date?

At the time the project was halted, we were on schedule to move into the building in the second week of December. We have approximately $370,000 (37% of total project) invested in the project to date. Approximately 25% of the actual construction is completed. Because we may not be able to recoup these costs if the project is ultimately terminated, we intend to terminate the project only if there appears to be no other reasonable and viable option.

When Do We Expect to Know What Direction We Will Take?

We hope that in the next 30-60 days we will have enough information for the Desiring God Board of Directors to determine the best course of action. We will make a public announcement of our plans on the website and via other means at that time.

Please Pray With Us

Currently, the best course of action is not clear. Pray with us that the Lord will guide us and give us wisdom. And please join with us in praying that God will preserve Hope Commons as center for gospel-spreading ministry.

While this is a sobering and difficult situation, we are not anxious. We know that this does not take God by surprise. We trust him to provide for us and to use this to bring glory to his name. We are confident that:

“…he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, ‘What have you done?’” (Daniel 4:35)

Trusting in the Good Shepherd with you.

Jon Bloom
Executive Director

God wasn't surprised that Hope Commons was bought with proceeds from a Ponzi scheme? Why didn't God tell the FBI?

The comment on this You Tube video about Hope Commons:

Yeah, God is at work. He seized the place! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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