Monday, March 1, 2010


As you have already learned, I have a major soft spot for J.Crew. I literally can't walk into their store without contemplating how much time, effort, and money it would take to convert my entire wardrobe. I think it has something to do with the layering plus the sparkly necklaces and the gingham and...anyway..this could go on for a while.
In addition to my love for J.Crew, I REALLY love Madewell. If you're not familiar with the brand, Madwell clothes look like a dirty hipster slept with a J.Crew model and together they created the perfect slightly distressed preppy baby. Sometimes I think that they created Madewell just for me, but I think that's just my narcissism talking. Their latest venture involves a collaboration with uber stylish Brit (and my doppelganger), Alexa Chung. Her feminine and lolita-esque style is reflected through velvet high waisted shorts, nautical flare, and boyfriend-borrowed silhouettes. Or in other words, I want it all.

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