Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bachmann Cancels Interview With Newsweek Reporter

Newsweek reporter Andrew Romano tweets:

And so my #Bachmann tweeting ( screeches to a halt. Flew to DC for an interview this AM—which her office just canceled.


Romano's last Bachmann fact-checking tweet:

... More on how US≠Greece, Krugman in today's Times spells it out.


Yes, the United States needs fiscal adjustment — Auerbach and Gale say that we have a long-run fiscal imbalance of 6-plus percent of GDP, although much of that could be closed by reining in health costs. But we really don’t look much like Greece.

Here's Bachmann in a video uploaded today warning that the U.S. will follow Greece into insolvency:

H/T DB reader Anna

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