Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chris Dodd at the movies

Last August, retiring Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd said he would not become a lobbyist.

Yesterday, it was announced that former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd will be the next chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America, a high-profile lobbying position that will bring in an annual salary of about $1.2 million.

It must be nice when you can cash in like that, when you can use your "public service" to make millions. But of course he was always more lobbyist than lawmaker anyway. Much to his discredit and shame.

But... the MPAA? What the hell does Chris "Big Insurance" Dodd know about the movies?

Dodd, for his part, said in a statement Tuesday he was "excited about representing the interests of the industry." He added, "Protecting this great American export will be my highest priority."

"In several important ways, taking this step represents a continuation of my work in the Senate, from advancing the interests of children and families and creating and safeguarding American jobs to the protection of intellectual property and the expansion of international trade," Dodd continued.

Like Biff Tannen, Dodd is covered in a truckload of manure -- but his own. I realize that heading the MPAA is different than, say, actually making movies (or caring about film), but does he really view American movies as exports rather than art? Sure, there are important issues like intellectual property rights, and Hollywood is very much about making money overseas (given dwindling revenues domestically), but come on. Couldn't he at least have pretended to be something other than a money-obsessed shill?

And what's with the nonsense about "advancing the interests of children and families"? Is that code for Lieberman-style censorship?

I love film, including some of what comes out of the Hollywood cesspool, but I generally dislike Hollywood, whatever its political leanings.

It just got worse.


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