Wednesday, March 31, 2010



Mr. Michele Bachmann's Gubernatorial Endorsement

The Brad Carlson blog:

Have yet to hear of an official gubernatorial endorsement from the Bachmann camp. Howvever, Michele Bachmann's husband Marcus may have tipped his hand (click on photo below).

Andy Aplikowski blogs:

Gotta love that Emmer for Governor sticker on Marcus, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s husband.

"Is Michele Bachmann a Political Liability?"

According to the Bluestem Prairie blog, First District GOP congressional candidate Jim Hagedorn sent out a memo with this quote:

Mr. Quist’s allegiance to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is understandable, and I would expect nothing less as Mrs. Quist serves as the congresswoman’s district director. Congresswoman Bachmann has impeccable conservative credentials and serves the 6th District with distinction. But tying one’s candidacy to another campaign is politically risky and offers the media a free pass to issue stories about Bachmann-Quist, rather than Tim Walz and his liberal voting record.

Andy Birkey at MnIndy has more about this. Andy Birkey also has an article about some Bachmann backtracking.

Bachmann Hypocritical on Entitlements and the "Welfare State"

Opinion piece in by Woodbury resident John Shirts in The Woodbury Bulletin:

Our congresswoman, once again votes against those she represents.

I watch the news daily to see what Rep. Michele Bachmann will next say that contradicts how she lives. Which foot will go in her mouth next. She is against any program that helps our citizens who have less than her, yet continues to reap the benefits of government handouts that make her life better.

She spouts vitriol about government involving itself in peoples lives, (requiring people to have health care insurance), yet says nothing about long established government requirements that we carry automobile insurance. What is the difference? She claims that this is an unconstitutional requirement for people. Where is her argument. One requirement is good, the other bad? Give me the rationale.

Her family has benefited from one of the largest government entitlements, farm subsidies, yet she votes against programs to help the indigent.

She is entitled to the best health care and pension benefits available in the country, yet she votes against the health care reform legislation that benefits seniors, people of low or moderate income, and those who are working for employers that do not provide affordable health care plans for ALL their employees. She would deny health care to millions of Americans to protect the interests of the insurance industry.

If our congressperson was truly against those big government programs she detests, she would immediately remove herself from the pension, health care, social security, salary, staff and office space that is paid for by the government and other perks we may not know about. And she would quit littering our mail boxes with her propaganda.

Read the whole thing.

In today's Cybercast News Service interview (video), Bachmann complains about "expensive entitlement programs" are "bringing our country down".

“I think that program needs tremendous reform, because we're now at a precipice here in our nation where we can't afford all of the entitlement programs,” said Bachmann. “Just like you saw with GM and Chrysler, the very weighty, expensive benefit-heavy packages rendered those companies uncompetitive with Toyota and other companies. We're seeing the same thing in the federal government.”

Bachmann continued: “These very expensive wage-and-benefit packages that we're paying to federal employees, but also very expensive entitlement programs are frankly bringing our country down and we have to make a decision: ‘Do we want to survive as a country or are we going to watch ourselves collapse from our own welfare state?’ It's really up to us to make the decision.”

How many federal employees make $174,000 a year and have the same benefits package as Michele Bachmann?

Anti-Masturbation Crusader John Piper Apologizes, Taking Leave of Absence

Christianity Today:

Surprise and admiration have characterized the response so far to news that Bethlehem Baptist Church pastor John Piper will take an eight-month leave of absence from public ministry between May 1 and December 31, 2010. Explaining the move to his Minneapolis congregation, Piper said his soul, marriage, family, and ministry pattern "need a reality check from the Holy Spirit." Piper, widely known for his prodigious book output and intense speaking schedule, will abstain from all such activity during this unexpected sabbatical.

"I see several species of pride in my soul that, while they may not rise to the level of disqualifying me for ministry, grieve me, and have taken a toll on my relationship with [my wife] Noël and others who are dear to me," Piper wrote. "How do I apologize to you, not for a specific deed, but for ongoing character flaws, and their effects on everybody? I'll say it now, and no doubt will say it again, I'm sorry. Since I don't have just one deed to point to, I simply ask for a spirit of forgiveness; and I give you as much assurance as I can that I am not making peace, but war, with my own sins."

DB readers may remember another John Piper "announcement" in this October 30, 2008 DB post about Piper's connections to Hope Commons and his opposition to masturbation:

The new place of ministry means moving the classes and library and offices to Hope Commons at 2300 Chicago Avenue South. This former hospital building will house Hope Academy (K-12), Minnesota Teen Challenge, TBI, and Desiring God and Children’s Desiring God. The building is free from a visionary donor. But the ministries must pay to build out the space. That is what we are praying toward now.

Why hide the identity of the "visionary donor"?

I would like to be a part of this vision for the remainder of my life. I believe the church and the world need leaders shaped by this vision of God. I pray that you will find it compelling. If you would like to know more or to share in it, please contact Craig Howse, Director of Institutional Advance, Tim Tomlinson, Executive Director of TBI, or Tom Steller, Dean of TBI.

Hope Commons was seized by the government.

Pastor John Piper is in this You Tube video about Hope Commons also featuring Bachmann campaign $$$ donor Craig Howse, who is also the lawyer and lobbyist for Petters associate, Bachmann campaign donor Frank Vennes Jr.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010



In the Studio

Spirit of Motion 24 x24 wax, oil LPressman

Finding the Path 24 x 24 wax,oil LPressman

Building a Bridge 24 x 24 wax, oil LPressman

I just finished updating my website after about a year and wouldn't you know it, I am already behind. It is a never ending process........

Monday, March 29, 2010


I began my educational career in with a degree in Textile Design from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I remember having to choose between sewing for the next 4 years or printing, dyeing, and silk screening. Strangely enough, it was a simple decision and there began my love for fabrics.

Creating textiles is so different than creating an article of clothing. It's step one in the process and whether you are mixing together chemicals to make the perfect vampy purple or weaving yarn on a 70 year old loom, there is something very romantic about it all. It's like baking a cake and taking the time to sift the flower and fold in the chocolate rather than pour some mix and eggs into a bowl. Creating textiles forces you to slow down and really absorb just exactly what you are creating, which as a designer, is something I so rarely take the time to do.

When I look at Michael Angel's collection for Autumn/Winter 10-11, I see a person who genuinely cares about textiles as much as his final creation. From step 1 to step 50, you can tell that so much thought went into every single element. From x-rayed jewels and laminated lace to laser cut neoprene, Angels clothing is so much more than something to wear out on a Friday night. But you can do that too, if you want..

Step 1: Laser cut Neoprene.

Step 2: Fabric Stained Glass

Step 1: Degas Ballerinas.

Step 2: Degas Ballerinas stretched out to become a graphic print

Step 1: Laminated Lace

Step 2: A laminated lace trench coat.

All photos from Style Bubble.

Michele Bachmann Donor Medtronic Debunks a Michele Bachmann Lie

Minnesota Public Radio has the story.

There has been a lot of political chatter about a Wall Street Journal report citing Medtronic CEO Bill Hawkins saying the excise tax would lead to the loss of 1,000 jobs. Republicans, like GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann and GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen, say the tax will mean jobs losses in the industry and are pointing to Hawkins comment to back it up.

MPR's Annie Baxter reports this morning that Medtronic's spokesperson clarified that statement:

A Medtronic spokesman said in an email that the statement was taken out of context; Medtronic does not have plans to eliminate jobs as a result of the health care reform law.

The spokesman said Hawkins meant the industry as a whole would lose jobs, and that Medtronic is worried about the impact of the excise tax on device makers large and small.

Commenter Karl points out Medtronic's donation to liar Michele Bachmann:

Rather than finance a liar in office, maybe Medtronic should rethink their political giving.

Michele Bachmann's Rude Behavior to Constituents

From the 3/17 Woodbury Bulletin:

Recent visit to Bachmann’s D.C. office was an unpleasant experience

I recently traveled to Washington, D.C. with the Arthritis Foundation to discuss the Arthritis Control, Cure, and Prevention Act with Minnesota congressional representatives.
As we met with representatives and senators, everyone, regardless of party affiliation, greeted us warmly and with respect.
However, when we arrived at Rep. Michele Bachmann’s office we were greeted with hostility, as well as rude and disrespectful staffers.
One of Rep. Bachmann's legislative assistants told us that, "We know, the representative has heard all of these stories before, but frankly these diseases are expensive.”
I’ve never heard someone disrespectfully disregard my disease in the name of fiscal matters. I am appalled by the way I was treated by the legislative assistant and the fact that my representative cares more about money than the health of her constituents.
Bachmann puts politics above the lives of her constituents and that is simply wrong.
This election year, we need to rethink who is representing us in Washington and replace Bachmann with someone who cares about the constituents of the Sixth Congressional District regardless of the fiscal benefits that we provide her.

Kelli Carlson

Amy Klobuchar Fundraises for Michele Bachmann Opponent Tarryl Clark

From Amy Klobuchar:

On Saturday, Tarryl Clark earned the DFL Party’s endorsement for Congress in Minnesota’s 6th District. I’m writing you today because it is time for Democrats to rally around Tarryl, and for one simple reason: Tarryl is the candidate who will win in November.

I’m also writing because this is a critical time for her campaign, with just a few days left before March 31st, the end of the first fundraising quarter of 2010.

Will you join me in supporting her today?

I’ve known Tarryl for many years, so I can tell you first-hand; Tarryl is a leader in the Minnesota State Senate and in our Party who has been a powerful voice for our values. Tarryl is a tenacious campaigner in a challenging area, and she wins elections by impressive margins by earning the votes of Democrats, Republicans and independents alike. Tarryl is an unwavering advocate for her constituents who will go to Washington to deliver results – and she will be the partner we need in Congress.

She’s won tough elections before, and with our help, she will do it again in 2010!

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Tarryl’s campaign today.

We can win in Minnesota’s 6th District – we’ve done it before. With your help in my 2006 race for Senate, we won the 6th! We did it by running a grassroots campaign that had the resources to take to the airwaves and put people to work on the ground. That’s the kind of campaign Tarryl’s put together, and with your help, she can continue to build it toward a victory in November.

Tarryl scored a big win Saturday in earning the DFL’s endorsement, but her next big deadline is only two days away. Will you join me in supporting Tarryl Clark today?

Early fundraising was key to my campaign’s success, and let me tell you, Tarryl is off to an impressive start. Already, more than 7,000 individual donors have helped make Tarryl one of the best-fundraising challengers in the nation.

With our help, we can ensure she has yet another great financial quarter. Join me in supporting Tarryl Clark today.

You know what’s at stake, and how important it is that we win in Minnesota’s 6th District. Please join me in supporting Tarryl Clark today.


Amy Klobuchar

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Is Bachmann Still Opposed to Anti-Bullying Legislation?

New York Times:

A prosecutor in western Massachusetts brought criminal charges Monday against nine teenagers accusing them of relentlessly humiliating and threatening a 15-year-old girl who hanged herself in January.

The charges, including felony indictments for two boys and four girls who were 16 or over, were an unusually sharp legal response to the problem of adolescent bullying, which is increasingly conducted in cyberspace as well as in the schoolyard and has drawn growing legal attention.

In the uproar that followed the suicide of the girl, Phoebe Prince, of South Hadley, and of an 11-year-old boy in nearby Springfield last year, the Massachusetts legislature stepped up work on an anti-bullying law that is now near passage. The law would require school staff members to report suspected incidents and principals to investigate them. It would also demand that schools teach about the dangers of bullying. Forty-one other states have anti-bullying laws of varying strength.

In the recent case, two boys and four girls, ages 16 to 18, face felony charges including statutory rape, violation of civil rights, harassment and disturbing a school assembly, Elizabeth D. Scheibel, the Northwestern district attorney, said at a news conference in Northampton, Mass. Three younger girls have been charged in juvenile court.

Flanked by state and local police officers, Ms. Scheibel said that Pheobe Prince’s suicide followed nearly three months of taunting and physical attacks by a cluster of students at South Hadley High School.

From the DB archives (2006):

Bachmann on schoolyard bullying:

i think for all us our experience in public schools is there have always been bullies, always have been, always will be.
i just don't know how we're ever going to get to point of zero tolerance and what does it mean?

I guess, several questions that was comment, one question would be
what would be our definition of bullying?

will it get to the point where we are completely stifling free speech and expression?
will it mean that what form of behavior will there be, will we be expecting boys to be girls
what is it exactly that we're asking for?

i don't say that as a sexist comment but there are just differences with boys and girls when they're on the playground, when they're in the classroom.

None of us like inappropriate behavior, none of us like sassy children, but there's just a fact of life that as we grow up, we're kind of little barbarians when we're two and our process as mothers and fathers is to civilize our children.

I just don't know how we can realistically expect a zero tolerance of bullying behavior.

All about Cars

Dirk never experienced buying a brand new car in his life because it is a costly affair. He do not want to splurge that sort of money on a car, especially when its value drops as soon as you drive it out of the showroom, or you might not want to wait for weeks before it is finally delivered. So far, both our second hand cars really serve its purpose. In a small village like ours, having a car is very important unlike when you live in big cities that there are many public transport available. Owning a car also means paying extra costs which includes, depreciation, interest on your loan, taxes and fees, insurance premiums, fuel costs, maintenance, and repairs.

Germany already finished funding scrappage incentives worth €2,500 to tempt in otherwise reluctant new car buyers, nominally on grounds that scrapping old cars brings a net environmental benefit. This scheme also help to boost the automobile industry here amidst the global economic crisis.

Below is my car named pangga

Dirk's car

My dream car

All about Cars

Dirk never experienced buying a brand new car in his life because it is a costly affair. He do not want to splurge that sort of money on a car, especially when its value drops as soon as you drive it out of the showroom, or you might not want to wait for weeks before it is finally delivered. So far, both our second hand cars really serve its purpose. In a small village like ours, having a car is very important unlike when you live in big cities that there are many public transport available. Owning a car also means paying extra costs which includes, depreciation, interest on your loan, taxes and fees, insurance premiums, fuel costs, maintenance, and repairs.

Germany already finished funding scrappage incentives worth €2,500 to tempt in otherwise reluctant new car buyers, nominally on grounds that scrapping old cars brings a net environmental benefit. This scheme also help to boost the automobile industry here amidst the global economic crisis.

Below is my car named pangga

Dirk's car

My dream car

Video: Bachmann in Duluth

Andy Birkey at MnIndy:

From boxing ring, Bachmann decries ‘pantywaist Republicans’

Rep. Michele Bachmann entered a boxing ring in Duluth Saturday to speak at the Win Back Washington rally, a Tea Party–inspired campaign event. She told the audience that Democrats were fabricating incidents of aggression by anti-health reform protesters and issued a challenge to moderate Republicans to move out of the GOP.

The money quote:

“On the Republican side, there is no time and no patience for pantywaist Republicans. No pantywaist Republicans. No wussie Republicans,”

Urban Dictionary definition for pantywaist:

"A feminine, limp-wristed guy who lacks courage. May or may not be gay, but is usually assumed to be."

Here's the full speech:

Sunday, March 28, 2010



Have you ever seen a cooler looking hand than this one. This incredible hand (opposable thumb included) belongs to the editor of Elle China, Leaf Greener. We have Chanel temporary tattoos, a Hermes Collier de Chein ring (Is that real? Where can I get that? Am I sweating?) and a ruby red plastic lip shaped clutch. I mean, come on.

CBS Fact Checks the Lies Michele Bachmann Told on Face the Nation

Read it here.

I've heard Bachmann tell this lie before:

"The New England Journal of Medicine released a survey the week that President Obama signed Obamacare stating that over 30 percent of American physicians would leave the profession if the government took over health care. That's very serious going forward."

[The New England Journal of Medicine has denied it conducted or published the survey cited by Ms. Bachmann.]

They also debunk Michele Bachmann's claim that the government has taken over 51% of the economy.

Michele Bachmann Clarifies

According to a tweet by Tom Scheck at MPR:

Bachmann on her statement re: Obama has anti-American views: "I meant his policies."

Freiburg (Part 2)

Freiburg is located in southwest Germany near the Swiss and French border. The beautiful black forest surrounding, its mild climate and its relaxed, comfortable and friendly atmosphere make it attractive for many tourists as well as students. Yesterday, i left my car in Offenburg bahnhof and go to Freiburg by train. I planned this day for my nostalgia trip mode and to bond with my cousins and friends (posted in my other blog)

A stroll through Freiburg's lively old quarter is always a delight. The historical town centre is also the hub of modern Freiburg- great for a stroll and a shopper's paradise. Here you can find artists selling work of arts and musicians performing for some donations.

Freiburg (Part 2)

Freiburg is located in southwest Germany near the Swiss and French border. The beautiful black forest surrounding, its mild climate and its relaxed, comfortable and friendly atmosphere make it attractive for many tourists as well as students. Yesterday, i left my car in Offenburg bahnhof and go to Freiburg by train. I planned this day for my nostalgia trip mode and to bond with my cousins and friends (posted in my other blog)

A stroll through Freiburg's lively old quarter is always a delight. The historical town centre is also the hub of modern Freiburg- great for a stroll and a shopper's paradise. Here you can find artists selling work of arts and musicians performing for some donations.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Michele Bachmann in Duluth

WDIO has the story and some video. She called out Rep. Jim Oberstar for voting for a bill that "subsidized abortion." Oberstar's spokesman disputed the claims, and backed this up with specific citations from the bill.

MPR Debate Between Michele Bachmann's Democratic Opponents: Maureen Reed and Tarryl Clark

You can listen here.

Tarryl Clark Wins First Ballot DFL Endorsement to Oppose Michele Bachmann

Maureen Reed will be challenging Clark in the DFL primary. From the Clark campaign.


Delegates choose Clark as DFL’s candidate to defeat Bachmann in November

Blaine, MN – State Senator Tarryl Clark today became the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party’s candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, securing the endorsement in a decisive first ballot vote of the delegates at today’s DFL convention. As the Party’s endorsed candidate, Clark has the full backing of the Minnesota DFL Party and all its resources – including an army of volunteers - between now and the election.

“Washington isn’t working for Minnesota families, and neither is Michele Bachmann,” said Clark. “I’m ready to do the work and be the advocate the people of the Sixth District deserve. I’ve spent my entire life standing up for our values on the issues that matter, and I’m proud to have a record of delivering results for people.”

The first ballot victory, earning the support of a super-majority of delegates, reflects the success of Clark’s grassroots campaign. Clark has secured every endorsement in this race, including teachers, nurses, students, women, organized labor and progressive organizations. Clark has been amongst the top-fundraising challengers nationally, already building a base of more than 7,000 individual contributors.

Clark noted that her volunteers begin the campaign immediately, with doorknocks fanning out across the district beginning at Noon tomorrow from the campaign’s St. Cloud headquarters.

“Our grassroots campaign has reached out to every corner of this district, and I’m proud to have earned their overwhelming support,” said Clark. “Today -- together -- we begin in earnest the fight to bring an end to Michele Bachmann’s agenda. Michele Bachmann is free to pursue her agenda on her own time, but no longer on the people’s dime.”

In securing the endorsement today, Clark defeated former Independence Party candidate Dr. Maureen Reed, who was also seeking the Party’s endorsement.

Clark was elected to the Senate in a special election in 2005, and re-elected in 2006 by double-digit margins. She represents the St. Cloud area. In the Senate, Clark has been a leader focused on creating jobs, ensuring opportunity for children and families, and supporting our veterans and military families. She’s built a record of results on issues from protecting consumers to education to creating affordable, accessible health care.

You can learn more about Clark, her record of results, and her campaign for Congress at

# # #


As most of us New Yorkers already know, Karl Lagerfeld was spotted in Soho and on the Lower East Side shooting a Chanel Fall/Winter 2010 ad campaign. What we did not know is that some genius over at Nitrolicious totally stalked him and got some incredible footage of Karl. Just like an angel from heaven, Karl descended on his forklift. Amazing.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Fact-Check Bachmann's Grandstanding About the Stillwater Bridge

Bachmann put this KSTP report up her You Tube channel:

The KSTP report is wrong. The Sierra Club North Star doesn't oppose any bridge - just a big, ugly bridge:

Such a bridge would be visually massive, akin to drawing a sharp horizontal tear across a priceless landscape painting. Its unimpeded, high-speed traffic would impact the St. Croix's surrounding bluffs and water surface with high, constant levels of vehicle and roadway noise. If built as the DOTs prefer, the decision whether to establish transit service to and from the accelerating Wisconsin-side suburbs would be left to the chronically underfunded Metro Transit and the often deadlocked Minnesota Legislature. Bridge piers would massively disturb endangered native mussels and aquatic ecosystems and the Wisconsin side of the Riverway will see an explosion of housing and commercial development.

This visualization should help clear up misconceptions.

This is the scenic beauty of the Saint Croix river viewed from Stillwater:

This is what MnDOT wants to do to the river:

This is what MnDot wants to do to the river with some additional finishing touches... a few nukes and other crap favored by Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann to Appear on Face the Nation

Strib has the story. How many lies will she tell during her appearance?


Just when you thought you'd seen everything, Fendi has blown our minds with yet another crafty creation. First came the plain white bag that included a set of markers and now we have the Fendi Baguette Needlepoint Kit. Wait, do you hear that screaming? I think I can just make out the faint intonation of Nana Jennie's voice back in Boca Raton.

As someone who has always had grandma-like qualities, I think that this bag is not only a little piece of history, but it would just fit into my life so perfectly. First, I would perfect my skills by spending several sleepless nights needlepointing while watching Jeopardy. Then I would show it off to my girlfriends down by the pool, you know, the hip ol grannies who can be bop, hop to you drop, yo, yo make a wicked cuppa cocoa. I mean, and if I happen to walk by the cuties down on the shuffle board courts, that can only help my reputation. Lastly, I'd have to take it to my Sunday night canasta game. Maybe then that bitch with the two doctor grandson's would finally shut it.


Together... Everywhere

Together... Everywhere

Thursday, March 25, 2010

FEC Raps Michele Bachmann Campaign for Sloppy Bookkeeping Again

By Karl Bremer

Sloppy bookkeeping long has been a hallmark of Michele Bachmann’s campaigns. But a recent Federal Election Commission “Request for Additional Information” is one of the worst examples yet.

In its latest 10-page admonishment of the self-described “former tax attorney” sent Feb. 18, the FEC cites four specific shortcomings in Bachmann’s year-end 2009 report:

  1. Numerous contributions that appear to exceed the legal limits.

  2. Contributions appear to have incorrect values in the “Election Cycle-to-Date” field.

  3. Numerous employer and occupation entries on the report are not acceptable.

  4. The report contains entries for contributions by more than one person, which also is unacceptable.

The FEC cited 71 improper entries and 18 unacceptable employer or occupation entries in Bachmann’s report, which covered the period from October 1, 2009-December 31, 2009.

“The acceptance of excessive contributions is a serious problem,” the FEC warned Bachmann. “Again, the committee’s procedures for processing contributions should be examined and corrected in order to avoid this problem. Although the Commission
may take further legal action, prompt action by you to refund, redesignate, and/or reattribute of the excessive amount will be taken into consideration.”

The enforcement agency also was critical of the campaign’s arithmetic.

“Failure to correctly total contributions received from a given source in the
election cycle could lead to acceptance of excessive contributions by the
committee,” the FEC cautioned.

A response from Bachmann’s campaign committee was due today, March 25.

“Failure to adequately respond by the response date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action,” the FEC warned.