The New Republic's Michelle Cottle (at mpr.org):
In search of a little pick-me-up, Republican members took to wandering out on the balcony and revving up the crowd. Two or three scrawled 'No' on sheets of paper and began waving them over the railing, tittering like school boys. Tennessee's Zach Wamp snatched up a discarded poster board, propped it against a column, and, black marker in hand, began gleefully writing "LET'S MEET 'EM AT THE STATE LINE" in big block letters. (Homemade signs were all the rage among members. Inside high windows along the east side of the capitol, someone had put up more letters spelling out "VOTE NO' and "SCRAP THE BILL.") Caught up in the naughtiness of it all, Pennsylvania's Jim Gerlach rushed over to steady the posterboard while Wamp scribbled.
But it wasn't until a couple of the old guys goaded Tea Party prom queen Michele Bachmann onto the balcony that the fun really got started. After only a second or two of faux resistance, Bachmann sidled up to the edge, clasped her hands together and shook them above each shoulder like some kind of pink-clad prize fighter. The crowd below went hog wild, and more than one member made a snorting reference to Bachman's "Evita" moment. Soon, other Republicans began sliding out to stand beside her and bask in the reflected love.
Good article - read the whole thing.
UPDATE: She won't give up - MnIndy:
Though President Obama has not yet signed it into law, Rep. Michele Bachmann introduced legislation on Monday to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the health care reform package passed by Congress on Sunday.
Bachmann's bill:

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