With the president’s signature on the health care bill Tuesday, roughly 50 percent of the U.S. economy has fallen under the purview of the federal government.
It is fitting on this momentous day we pause for a moment of silence and lament the passage of half of America’s economic freedom.
Congratulations Mr. President, you’re halfway there!
President Obama wants to control 100 percent of the U.S. economy? WTF?
Blog News Web has a sample of crazy stuff Bachmann has claimed in the past.
Nobody is more adept at this art of fabrication than Michele Bachmann, the Republican representative from Minnesota. Her lies are so frequent and robust, and her grip on reality so tenuous, that her continued presence on the national stage says more about us than her. She can only exist as a political figure because we allow her to, which is shocking when we consider even a few examples of Bachmann’s paranoid world view. These are interesting not because they expose a deep hypocrisy and loose relationship with facts, but because however loony her views, they represent millions of Americans, most of whom vote.
Read the whole thing.

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