Monday, August 31, 2009

The Book About Death

Matthew Rose

I liked the idea of this project by Matthew Rose but I couldn't get myself in the right frame of mind to do it. Here is his call for the Book About Death, including his own entries and a few other artist's contributions (some I know and some I don't). I plan to go to the opening so it will be interesting to see them all up close.

An Open Call from Matthew Rose


Matthew says
"A Book About Death is a project borne from a work by the late artist Ray Johnson, who died in 1995. Ray, who drowned in Sag Harbor, was an enormous influence on me personally, but he has influenced artists all over the world, particularly through his invention of "mail art" but also through his collage works which are seminal. Emily Harvey, in whose gallery this exhibition is taking place, was also a significant contributor to the art scene, especially where Fluxus was concerned. She was a light among artists and her Foundation, in NYC and Venice is a well-lit path for many artists, writers, filmmakers towards the places they want to go. Emily died in 2004 from pancreatic cancer. For me, the exhibition synthesizes many ideas at once and not only sets in motion a large and unbound book on the subject of death, but also empowers artists the world over, I believe with their inclusion here. There is no jury, all works – or "pages" – are accepted and deeply appreciated in this "book." The story of this project inevitably resides in the worlds created by the individual artists...and they are all worth investigating further."

Emily Harvey link:

Here is one more of Matthew's

Matthew Rose

And some others............

Ria Vanden Eynde

Death Book Silence

Nancy Natale

Pam Farrell

Yoko Ono

Linda Dubin Garfield.

Emily Parsons

David Benoit

Republican Party of Minnesota Tells Pack O Lies About Michele Bachmann's Town Hall Meetings

From the MN GOP Newsline:

Rep. Michele Bachmann was busy Thursday talking to her constituents in four different town hall meetings. After a business town hall and a general town hall in Lake Elmo, Rep. Bachmann held another town hall meeting at a local restaurant for 150 people. She then arrived at the Republican Party of Minnesota State Fair booth to hold an impromptu town hall meeting where she answered fair-goers questions about health care reform. On health care reform, she told fair-goers: "I want you to have the freedom to be able to make your own decisions and make your own choices."

Rep. Bachmann takes the stage at the MNGOP booth.

In addition to the town hall meetings that she held yesterday, Rep. Bachmann has held four teleforums. In contrast, Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar haven't held any public town hall meetings with their constituents on health care.

Michele Bachmann has held ONE public town hall meeting where she has taken questions from constituents since she has been in office. The other meetings mentioned here were not publicly announced.

It's also interesting that there's no mention of the lack of public town hall meetings from Rep. John Kline or Rep. Erik Paulsen.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

DCCC Rips Michele Bachmann

From the DCCC blog.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who is known for the outlandish statements and false claims she makes on cable news shows, has proven herself time and again reluctant to stand by these assertions when forced to answer directly to Minnesotans. As the Congresswoman gears up for a public forum on health care later today, voters are wondering if Congresswoman Bachmann will continue to avoid answering questions on her outrageous, out of touch agenda she seems eager to promote on national cable networks.

"Congresswoman Bachmann is all too eager to chat it up with cable news show hosts and answer questions from hosts like Glenn Beck, but when it comes to answering to the people of Minnesota on her outrageous and phony statements she is silent," said Gabby Adler, the Midwestern Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "Voters are eager to hold Congresswoman Bachmann accountable for her out of touch remarks, but she has ducked responsibility in the past by refusing to take questions - voters want to know if they'll face the same type of stonewalling today at the Congresswoman's health care event."


At a recent public forum on Social Security, Congresswoman Bachmann only briefly attended the event and refused to take questions:

"U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., whose office issued a news release billing her as the event's host, appeared an hour into the forum, spoke briefly, then left for another meeting without taking questions." [Bachmann makes brief appearance at public forum, St. Cloud Times 8/26/09]

At a climate forum held earlier this year, Congresswoman Bachmann refused to take questions:

"Bachmann took no questions from the audience Thursday and left the room without addressing requests to substantiate her claim." [Forum Takes on Cap-and-Trade, St. Cloud Times 4/10/09]

In response to a public forum on the Climate Change bill, a concerned citizen expressed her disappointment over Bachmann's avoidance of serious debate in a letter to the editor:

"We were also frustrated and angered by the fact that Bachmann only spoke for a few minutes...She took no questions.

"It was a lot like attending a cult meeting where reality barely seeps into the room."

[Bachmann's Forum Misleads, St. Cloud Times 4/22/09]

Gary Gross Responds to My Post About Pro-Michele Bachmann Bloggers Using Anti-Gay Animus To Promote Bachmann

From the DB comments:

Villainize me if you'd like but demographic reality is demographic reality.
Gary Gross

Death Penalty for Homosexuals

Sign carried at 2004 Bachmann amendment rally.

Gary raises a good point. The thing that's interesting here, is when the issue is defined as "defending marriage", few people argue with that. When the issue is exposed as an effort to marginalize gays for political gain, more people want to distance themselves - even in the socially conservative sixth district, there are few constituents who are seriously interested in promoting "Death Penalty for Homosexuals". Even Bachmann herself stated that she publically repudiated the Death Penalty for Homosexuals sign when confronted about this, when I debated her on KKMS. I have been able to find no evidence that this is true. This year, she told a talk show host that these anti-gay signs were probably really plants from the gay community.

Michele Bachmann has downplayed this issue ever since she has been running for congress in the general election (choosing rather to focus on taxes). She would not be downplaying this issue if it would help her. This was an "earthquake issue" when she was in the state legislature, and now, she rarely discusses it during her radio and TV appearances. Why? If the issue were helping her, wouldn't she be pushing it?

Michele Bachmann to Keynote Theocrat Activist Conference

The Conference is "How to Take Back America", and will be held in St Louis. Here's a list of workshops:

How conservatives can win in 2010
-How to deal with vote fraud, the Census, and ACORN
-How to defend America vs. missile attack
-How to lobby federal legislation & policy
-How to bring youth into the conservative movement
-How to defend traditional marriage and DOMA
-How to understand Islam
-How the media can help us take back America
-How to defeat Con Con, National Popular Vote, and ERA
-How to stop feminist and gay attacks on the military
-How to counter the homosexual movement
-How to recognize living under Nazis & Communists
-How to stop the entry of illegal aliens and drugs
-How to deal with global warming, cap and trade
-How to stop the killings: pro-life solutions
-How to use New Media technology
-How to stop government attacks on parents’ rights
-How to deal with supremacist judges
-How conservatives can use media to advance our cause
-How to stop socialism in health care
-How to defeat UN attacks on sovereignty
-How to activate your church
-How to lobby legislators
-How to use the Internet effectively: Internet 101

It sounds like this conference will be packed full of Michele Bachmann's paranoid, theocratic fellow travellers.

Harvest Time

I was born and raised in the congested city of manila. My wish of having a nice garden and to experience life in the farm is just in my head. But being here in germany for eight years change my life's perspective.

Germany is a beautiful country because of its vast nature and greenery. Yesterday, i have the opportunity to experience harvesting fruits called mirabelle plum at my best friend's garden. Joy had a green thumb and aside from nice flowers, she also had plants and trees that produced fruits and vegetables. She also make marmalade or jams out of the fruits she harvested.

Harvest Time

I was born and raised in the congested city of manila. My wish of having a nice garden and to experience life in the farm is just in my head. But being here in germany for eight years change my life's perspective.

Germany is a beautiful country because of its vast nature and greenery. Yesterday, i have the opportunity to experience harvesting fruits called mirabelle plum at my best friend's garden. Joy had a green thumb and aside from nice flowers, she also had plants and trees that produced fruits and vegetables. She also make marmalade or jams out of the fruits she harvested.

Friday, August 28, 2009

DB Commenters Go to Michele Bachmann's Town Hall Meeting

I went to the so-called Bachmann "Town Forum" today but arrived late at about 2:45 so the auditorium was pretty much packed with Bachmann's supporters. A friend told me that she had supporters bussed in. Clearly, they had a strategy planned to prevent any "liberals" from disrupting things with the facts.

The moderator was Matt Dean , Republican House member from 52B. After about 15-20 minutes of setting forth the agenda, reading the "rules" about being polite, singing the Star Spangled Banner; reciting Pledge of Allegiance; tributes to the military in attendance and not in attendance; and what a great country this is because we allow meetings like this for free speech, we get to Bachmann.

3:05-3:15: Bachmann's first 5 minutes were: what beautiful Minnesota weather, how great it is Brett Favre is a Viking, wish we could be at the State Fair, etc. Then she launches into speech denouncing HR 3200. Her speech plus the rest of the time are clearly designed for her to tout her new Bachmann secret plan, the Health Insurer Bailout and Recovery Act aka her Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, HR 636. Although a few dissenters were allowed to ask questions, most of the questions were from what appeared to me as being planted questions by Bachmann supporters designed to set her up to tout features of her new plan or to denounce some feature of the Obama "Democrat" plan HR 3200.

3:15-3:25: Mike Burgess is introduced. He discusses his involvement in the committee reviewing HR 3200 and why he is opposed.

Since it is clearly getting late with only about 30 minutes left for questions from the public, Dean next announces he is going to extend the "forum" until 4:15.

Unlike previous Bachmann town "fora", Bachmann actually remains through the rest of this one and actually allows a few questions from dissenters. What should have been an opportunity to inform people about the problem and how HR 3200 or other bills approach it, Bachmann used this forum to rally her supporters to get them behind her. As one dissenter put it, she stated about 6 lies alone in her 10 minute harangue about "the federal takeover of health care."

What was missing was someone to counter her slanted and biased interpretation of HR 3200 and point the major holes in her bill HR 636. Bachmann at least admits "market failure" in the health insurance/health care markets but her solution- more "individual policies through deductions and more ability to form health care pools- won't work because of the inability of individuals to negotiate over health care. Like what am I supposed to negotiate over if I get cancer?

One woman, at the end, asked a very good question to Burgess and Bachmann about what their alternatives would do for people like her whose insurer cancelled her after she sought coverage for her medical condition. She was very persistent but Bachmann had nothing but pat answers and then even she admitted that her alternative requires some "safety net" for people like disabled people who cannot get the coverage they need.

Sure sounded like welfare to me. But nobody asked Bachman about that because she didn't allow it.

What I noticed was how Bachmann was skillful in turning every question around to her advantage against questioners, turning them into Bachmann talking point for her own agenda. Her speaking and sales skills have been sharpened to convey disinformation about HR 3200 or disinformation about her own bill.

In summary, these are: the President's plan or HR 3200 are all "federal takeovers of health care", will create 53 boards and commissions between you and your health provider and create a staggering deficit which will force your children now 22 into paying taxes at 80% of their wages. Plus, she claims it will cost jobs.

Unlike her new improved health care insurance panacea: the Health Insurer Bailout and Recovery Act. No problem. All we need is more competition so people can choose their own insurer and deduct health insurance payments from their taxes.
jonerik Edit comment Delete comment | Homepage | 08.27.09 - 11:08 pm | #

Attended Bachmann Rally with intention of using Alinski tactics, which I did. On her claim that we have the best health care system in the world, I was on my feet screaming "That's a lie- Thats a lie." I also got to the question line and asked about this claim when we spend 5% of GDP more than the most of other advanced industrialized countries and have lesser outcomes- to shouts of disbelief and no.

When she began the usual politicians rant without addressing the question I pressed her to answer my question. Her response was "I believe we have the best health care system in the world" to cheers of course.

So it is now evident that my House member is using "belief based " ideas when considering bills-either presented or authored -for our country to run on.

What kind of reform, she contends that she wants some kind of reform, would come from someone who believes we already have the best system available.

Maybe her reform would allow her to receive even more $ from the insurance industry.

She is a good politician and the Dems, i am non party affiliated, will need a strong candidate and a great campaign to unseat this woman.
Mike Robinson

Full Tape of Michele Bachmann's Call to KKMS

Black Forest Trip

The Black Forest in Germany is one of the best places to explore some of the natural beauty the country has to offer. This forest acquired its name due to a large concentration of pine trees which causes it to look quite dark from a distance. Additionally, the nearby mountains can cast their shadows over the valleys and further serve to darken it.

With mutti's last day of visit, we marked the day by driving to the black forest and its just like driving to Baguio with its zigzag road leading to the mountain. We first visit the hotel Bareiss which is one of germany's best where we have our lunch.

On the way down, we stopped at the ruined monastery and the chapel. It's colder up there and our summer attire is not the best outfit for walking to the nearby waterfalls.

On the way home, mutti bought some wines, a present for her best friend and son Klaus, when she returned to Koln tomorrow.

Black Forest Trip

The Black Forest in Germany is one of the best places to explore some of the natural beauty the country has to offer. This forest acquired its name due to a large concentration of pine trees which causes it to look quite dark from a distance. Additionally, the nearby mountains can cast their shadows over the valleys and further serve to darken it.

With mutti's last day of visit, we marked the day by driving to the black forest and its just like driving to Baguio with its zigzag road leading to the mountain. We first visit the hotel Bareiss which is one of germany's best where we have our lunch.

On the way down, we stopped at the ruined monastery and the chapel. It's colder up there and our summer attire is not the best outfit for walking to the nearby waterfalls.

On the way home, mutti bought some wines, a present for her best friend and son Klaus, when she returned to Koln tomorrow.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Michele Bachmann Town Hall Meeting

Dusty Trice tweeted about it.

3 people at the Bachmann town hall with T-shirts with a picture of President Obama and the words 'Cult Leader'.
about 7 hours ago from Tweetie

As did Twoputt Tommy:

Bachmann Forum live tweet - Bachmann acknowledges Insurance Companies ration health care! about 5 hours ago
Live Tweet from Bachmann "Forum" in Lake Elmo! HUGE crowd, auditorium packed - spillover to remote room! So far, everything civil... about 6 hours ago

From a Dump Bachmann reader:

Bachmann did her best to spin misinformation and lies, and was called on it. One nutjob expressed fears that after one or two terms, Obama won't leave power, using force if necessary.

Chuckumentary tweeted about this:

About to hear a question from a self-proclaimed "not racist" avg middle class guy, thinks Obama won't leave after 8 yrs.

If you went, please leave your experiences in the comments.

UPDATE: Dusty Trice has video of the Town Hall Meeting here.


The 17th German federal election is scheduled for 27 September 2009 and will be held to elect the members of the Bundestag, the federal parliament of Germany. It is the final and most important election in what is called a Superwahljahr (super election year). Election here in Germany is more peaceful and organized because of poll automation.

As millions of Filipinos are looking forward to the coming May 10, 2010 elections, candidates are now making their presence felt in billboards and also on social gatherings. Actually its my birthday, so millions of my countrymen will exercise their rights, they will go out not to attend to my celebration but to vote.

Photo credits-Pinoy Herald


The 17th German federal election is scheduled for 27 September 2009 and will be held to elect the members of the Bundestag, the federal parliament of Germany. It is the final and most important election in what is called a Superwahljahr (super election year). Election here in Germany is more peaceful and organized because of poll automation.

As millions of Filipinos are looking forward to the coming May 10, 2010 elections, candidates are now making their presence felt in billboards and also on social gatherings. Actually its my birthday, so millions of my countrymen will exercise their rights, they will go out not to attend to my celebration but to vote.

Photo credits-Pinoy Herald

Michele Bachmann's Guest: Michael Burgess as Guest on the Alex Jones Show

Here's Michael Burgess discussing Martial Law on the Alex Jones show.

Here's Michael Burgess on Health Care Reform.

He sounds exactly like a Michele Bachmann Fellow Traveller.

Here are the details on the "Town Hall Forum":

Health Care Reform Public Forum With special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D.

Thursday, August 27th, Doors open at 1:45 pm

Forum runs 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

Oak-Land Junior High School

820 Manning Avenue North, Lake Elmo

Along with my special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, who practiced medicine before coming to Congress and who sits on one of the House committees with jurisdiction over the health care reform legislation, we’ll be discussing the proposals that are making their way through Congress and hearing your thoughts on this important issue. I hope you’ll join us for this critical discussion.

Michele Bachmann's staff is describing this as a Town Hall Meeting to media outlets. I encourage people to go to this forum and report on it, and get there early if you want a chance to ask a question.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are the Bachmann Supporters in the Blogosphere Going to Appeal to Anti-gay Animus to Help Bachmann?

Gary Gross is attacking Tarryl Clark for her appearance at Netroots Nation.

Tarryl isn’t a centrist or a moderate. She’s a hardline liberal. Her appearance is another bit of proof that she isn’t a centrist. One of the topics on the Netroots Nation’s agenda this weekend was fighting for full rights for LGBT citizens. Part of their fight is to enact legislation that permits gay marriage. While that’s a centrist position within the Nutroots Nation, it’s more than a little outside the mainstream of Sixth District politics.

I have no idea what Tarryl Clark's position is on gay marriage. She opposed the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage (the Bachmann amendment), when she ran for the legislature. Gay equality is not a liberal or conservative position. Some of the most anti-gay people I have met have been from the far left. Threads on Daily Kos which criticized President Obama on gay issues have quickly devolved into anti-gay rhetoric. Some of the most inclusive people I've met are also strong conservatives. Democrats tend to use the gay community as an ATM, while Republicans cater to the theocratic base in their party and tend to be publicly hostile to gays.

I left the following comment on Gary Gross's blog:


Michele Bachmann’s single minded pursuit of the Bachmann amendment while in the legislature, had less to do with “protecting traditional marriage”, than marginalizing gays for political gain. Why else were signs such as “Death Penalty for Homosexuals as Prescibed (sic) in the Bible” so prominent at her 2004 rally for this cause?

While Bachmann was a state senator, she sent an email to supporters bragging about stopping any other legislative business to promote her amendment - which was all about anti-gay animus, despite the claims to be about marriage.

If Bachmann was serious about preserving traditional marriage, she would have focused on divorce. It’s not the possibility of gays getting married that causes the high divorce rate among heterosexual married couples.

Comment by Eva Young • 23Aug2009 @ 7:14 pm

Gary Gross, author of the blog responded:

Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada…Your animus towards Michele is well-known…NEXT

Comment by Gary Gross

Michele Bachmann can't be allowed to forget this sign that was prominent at the rally she keynoted at the state capitol in 2004:

Death Penalty for Homosexuals sign

Michele Bachmann likes to claim she doesn't hate gays. However, it appears that to Michele Bachmann, the only good gay is an ex-gay.

The Latest Anti-Gay Hysteria from Michele Bachmann Fellow Traveller: Jan Markell

Dump Bachmann regulars are familiar with Michele Bachmann's Fellow Traveller, Jan Markell. She does a radio show on KKMS called "Understanding the Times." Michele Bachmann is a regular guest on this show. Here's her latest email newsletter which states that the tornado in Minneapolis last week was caused by the ELCA vote to accept gays.

By Jan Markell

My home state of Minnesota has lots of lakes, bitter cold, and Lutherans. Over 150 years ago, Scandinavians targeted this state and its climate, perhaps because it resembled their homeland. Ironically, the fathers and grandfathers of today's Lutherans left Sweden back then because they saw corruption and bad doctrine within Lutheranism in Scandinavia. But these Lutheran immigrants built Bible-believing churches for future generations. No doubt they would be crushed at such a culmination of apostasy in recent years.

Wednesday, August 19, was an average day. It was cool with not enough humidity to stir up a storm. No unusual weather patterns were forecast in the Twin Cities' metro area. As I was out driving, there were no tornado sirens. It was going to be a memorable day, nonetheless.

During the week, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) was holding its annual convention in downtown Minneapolis. Attendees were using the facilities of the Minneapolis Convention Center and Central Lutheran Church which is directly across the street. At this year's convention, a blatant pro-homosexual position validating "chaste" same-sex relationships was to be voted on. It was to be voted on at 2 PM on Wednesday, August 19.

Then for the first time in decades, a tornado touched down in downtown Minneapolis at, you guessed it, 2 pm. The tornado went through the western section of downtown, causing damage to the Central Lutheran Church building, which was being used as a central meeting place for the convention. There was extensive roof damage at the Minneapolis Convention Center where the actual conference was assembled as well as votes on same-sex issues were actually cast. The church steeple on top of Central Lutheran Church was struck and split in two. It was left hanging upside down. The church was built in 1929 and certainly has had no tornado activity near it to date.

Meteorologists agree that such activity in a downtown area is extremely rare. Many could not recall when this had last happened to an area of structural cement rather than suburban homes or rural areas.

The vote was delayed past 2 PM but it did pass that same day. It passed by just one vote and it acknowledged the validity of same-sex relationships that are "chaste, monogamous and lifelong." There was a whirlwind outside of the convention center and inside -- to the degree that one person said, "We trust that the weather is not a commentary on our work." Conservatives in the ELCA, also observing the weather aberration, said it could have been a warning from God and an expression of His anger.

The ELCA went on to vote two days later to allow homosexuals to serve as pastors. If the tornado was a warning from God -- and we don't know that it was, but one could make a case for it -- those voting for abomination didn't get the message.

While we have no final word from God as to whether He sent the tornado, we can observe how God treated rebellious people and nations throughout the Old Testament who would not turn away from sin. If God didn't send the whirlwind, He did allow it. A holy God never approves of sanctioning sin and lifestyles that are destructive.

We can be sure of one message for it is right out of the Bible. A calamity happened near Jerusalem where 18 people were killed. Jesus said, "Those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13: 4-5).

Apostasy is allowed to remain rampant because the Bible is no longer preached in many churches. The liberal churches have plunging membership and ask why. It should be obvious that at least a remnant is not pleased with letting the world come into the church.

Additionally, churches are not preaching about God's judgment today. Rather, it's the gushy gospel with a God who doesn't hold to biblical standards anymore or else the church has changed the standards. Some would say those standards are outdated. "What would Jesus do?" is a bumper sticker or bracelet but not a guideline for holy living. However, today outfits like the ELCA even twist the words of Jesus. As the saying goes, the Ten Commandments are now the ten suggestions.

Lives were spared in this event, unlike the story in Luke 13. God was gracious. He is infinitely patient. Nonetheless, on a day when no severe weather was predicted or expected, a tornado forms, baffling the weather experts, most saying they've never seen anything like it. It happens right in the heart of the city. As if steered by an unseen hand, it targets a convention center whose occupants are talking about condoning blatant sin. To add emphasis, the hand then causes the tornado to tear into Central Lutheran Church just blocks away. This church was providing alcohol for attendees. Trees and homes just south of the downtown area had some damage.

God's message is repent because none of us will otherwise escape God's judgment. The message in many calamities is to repent while there is still time. I wonder if the ELCA delegates and leaders are even listening.

Since the vote on Friday I have heard from good Lutheran people who plan to leave the ELCA. May their vote with their feet send a message that urges others to follow them. The ELCA is likely not going to change, so lovers of truth and the Bible in all liberal denominations should take a cue from disgusted ELCA members now looking for a new church home.

God's Word cannot be mocked and whether He was in the whirlwind or not, the message is clear. We serve a holy God who does not sanction wickedness.

Perhaps someone can ask Michele Bachmann whether she agrees with her fellow traveller, Jan Markell on this point.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Michele Bachmann on KKMS

Bachmann was a guest on the Jeff and Lee show today. She was trying to encourage the KKMS audience to come to her town hall forum on Health Care. She was encouraging people to go to the forum early (at 1:45 PM) in order to get a seat.

I encourage Dump Bachmann readers to go to this forum, and to get their early, and be ready to ask questions. Please use this comment thread.

Here are the details about the Town Hall Meeting:

Health Care Reform Public Forum With special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D.

Thursday, August 27th, Doors open at 1:45 pm

Forum runs 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

Oak-Land Junior High School

820 Manning Avenue North, Lake Elmo

Along with my special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, who practiced medicine before coming to Congress and who sits on one of the House committees with jurisdiction over the health care reform legislation, we’ll be discussing the proposals that are making their way through Congress and hearing your thoughts on this important issue. I hope you’ll join us for this critical discussion.

Michele Bachmann and her staff are making a point of stating she will take questions at this Town Hall Forum. We'll see if she follows through.

As commenter Lady pointed out, Bachmann only showed up for 10 minutes during her "Town Hall" on Social Security in St Cloud. Larry Schumacher from the St Cloud Times covered the event.

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., whose office issued a news release billing her as the event’s host, appeared an hour into the forum, spoke briefly, then left without taking questions for another meeting.

“This forum is about what we’re going to see in the future. How will the government change what I’m receiving for Social Security, and my Medicare benefits, will they go down?” Bachmann told the crowd. “All that you have, that you’ve been promised, I want to make sure you will receive.”

Bachmann has publicly stated her support in the past for replacing Social Security with private retirement accounts for future generations of recipients, but did not raise the issue on Tuesday.

She should be asked about this position on Thursday.

Bachmann said she organized the forum after receiving several calls on the subject from constituents, and after helping her own family deal with the loss of parents this summer.

She said she had only intended to act as a facilitator for the event and that it was never advertised as a town hall.

Before she left, she reacted to one question from a member of the crowd about Congress and what type of Social Security and health care reform changes she would support.

“I support legislation that, whatever health care they come up with for all Americans, Congress should be on it too,” she said to great applause.

Bachmann promised the crowd they would have another chance to ask her questions on those and other issues at a town hall she hopes to host in St. Cloud in late September.

Sloppy Coverage of Michele Bachmann by MPR


A profile of Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel refers to an allegation made by Congressman Michele Bachmann.

Commenter Karl points out:

Shouldn't that read "A profile of Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel refers to a FALSE allegation made by Congressman Michele Bachmann."

This is from the NYT news (not opinion)article:

Largely quoting his past writings out of context this summer, Betsy McCaughey, a former lieutenant governor of New York, labeled Dr. Emanuel a “deadly doctor” who believes health care should be “reserved for the nondisabled” — a false assertion that Representative Michele Bachmann, Republican of Minnesota, repeated on the House floor.

Posted by Karl | August 25, 2009 11:17 AM

West of Chelsea: Lisa Pressman

Recently, artist and writer Nancy Tobin visited my studio for a chat and a tour:

"During a recent tour of her studio, Ms. Pressman, who is from West Orange, showed me work from as far back as high school. It’s a privilege to get this kind of glimpse into the inner sanctum of an artist: the sketches, the stacks of paintings lining the walls — a living journal of an artist’s life."
You can read the rest here:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Can the DFL Win the 6th CD Against Michele Bachmann?

Smart Politics has some analysis.

The Bachmann/Foxx/Musgrave Show

Minnesota Independent has the wrapup.

Donating Old Clothes

For dirk and me, donating old clothes to charity is a great idea for many reasons. You will feel good knowing that needy families can get good use out of our old clothes. It's also a great way to re-organize our closets and drawers. It takes a little bit of our time to go through our clothing and prepare it for donating, but it is well worth the effort.

Donating old clothes can be especially helpful to society as people who need affordable clothing often have access to donated clothes. Here in Germany, the red cross group put plastic bags in our mailbox with pick up schedule. For me, i just drive to the nearest drop point if i have clothes for donation.

Some charitable agency also placed pail in each houses for old clothes and shoes.

Donating Old Clothes

For dirk and me, donating old clothes to charity is a great idea for many reasons. You will feel good knowing that needy families can get good use out of our old clothes. It's also a great way to re-organize our closets and drawers. It takes a little bit of our time to go through our clothing and prepare it for donating, but it is well worth the effort.

Donating old clothes can be especially helpful to society as people who need affordable clothing often have access to donated clothes. Here in Germany, the red cross group put plastic bags in our mailbox with pick up schedule. For me, i just drive to the nearest drop point if i have clothes for donation.

Some charitable agency also placed pail in each houses for old clothes and shoes.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Michele Bachmann Fellow Travellers Allen Quist and Julie Quist

The best summary of Allen Quist is this report by a Pittsburgh Area station.

Quist is a creationist who ran for governor of Minnesota as a Republican in 1994 and 1998.

As a legislator, he stirred controversy by launching undercover investigations of gay bath houses and pornographic book stores.

He also said men are "genetically disposed" to be head of the household.

His wife, Julie, is a former radical feminist who once ran a lesbian bookstore. She later became an anti-abortion and Republican activist.

I covered this controversy in Upper St Clair, Pennsylvania (suburb of Pittsburgh) after a parent in the district wrote me for more information about Allen Quist. I was more than happy to oblige.

Both Quists were active in Michele Bachmann's campaign. Julie Quist now works in Michele Bachmann's office.

Michele Bachmann Makes Doonsbury Daily Email Again

From the email:


"Under no certain circumstances will I give the government control over my body and my health care decisions."
-- anti pro-choice Rep. Michele Bachmann

Quote is at about 5:35.

Beating the Heat

While browsing around offenburg the other day, i came accross these german kids taking a refreshing bath in the small fountains. That's their way of beating the heat, the temperature that day is around 40 grad.

After my small shopping, i proceeded to Lalaine, a friend who celebrated her birthday the day before. She requested us to return because of the leftover lechon and cooked it to make lechong paksiw.

Beating the Heat

While browsing around offenburg the other day, i came accross these german kids taking a refreshing bath in the small fountains. That's their way of beating the heat, the temperature that day is around 40 grad.

After my small shopping, i proceeded to Lalaine, a friend who celebrated her birthday the day before. She requested us to return because of the leftover lechon and cooked it to make lechong paksiw.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Michele Bachmann Claims to be Having a Town Hall Meetings

what happens when "I am not painting"

Notes 12 x12 encaustic Lpressman @2009

This past June, after creating work for a solo show, having other pieces out at other places, and sales coming to a slow crawl, I decided to stop painting for a while.

Yes 10 x10 encaustic LPressman @2009

Balance 12 x 12 encaustic LPressman 2009

But, I have two shows coming up in September and October.
So, the juggling act from Texas and Atlanta are coming home.
Now, I get to see all the work that flew out of the studio on deadlines back for a respite, a re-look , and a re-evaluation. Then, they are out again.

Meanwhile, while I "wasn't painting for the past two months", I happen to have 15 pieces done. How did that happen? I think it was the simple act of not doing, of playing, experimenting and no pressure. Three of these were finished after resting and waiting for months for some attention,

The Rooms of Anais Nin 38 x 26 encaustic Lpressman 2009

Thinking Space 26 x 38 encaustic Lpressman 2009

Pink Tie 26 x 38 encaustic LPressman @2009

and the others just happened.

Counting 1 12 x 12 encaustic Lpressman@2009

Counting 2 12 x 12 encaustic Lpressman 2009

Ghosts 12 x12 encaustic Lpressman 2009

What is interesting for me is to look at the three "resting" paintings and the new work together. I know in my mind where I want the work to is the getting there that is the challenge.

Whisper 12 x 12 encaustic Lpressman 2009

And, I didn't even mention that I have two 48 x48 oil paintings going.............that is another post.