Sunday, August 30, 2009

Michele Bachmann to Keynote Theocrat Activist Conference

The Conference is "How to Take Back America", and will be held in St Louis. Here's a list of workshops:

How conservatives can win in 2010
-How to deal with vote fraud, the Census, and ACORN
-How to defend America vs. missile attack
-How to lobby federal legislation & policy
-How to bring youth into the conservative movement
-How to defend traditional marriage and DOMA
-How to understand Islam
-How the media can help us take back America
-How to defeat Con Con, National Popular Vote, and ERA
-How to stop feminist and gay attacks on the military
-How to counter the homosexual movement
-How to recognize living under Nazis & Communists
-How to stop the entry of illegal aliens and drugs
-How to deal with global warming, cap and trade
-How to stop the killings: pro-life solutions
-How to use New Media technology
-How to stop government attacks on parents’ rights
-How to deal with supremacist judges
-How conservatives can use media to advance our cause
-How to stop socialism in health care
-How to defeat UN attacks on sovereignty
-How to activate your church
-How to lobby legislators
-How to use the Internet effectively: Internet 101

It sounds like this conference will be packed full of Michele Bachmann's paranoid, theocratic fellow travellers.

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