Monday, August 10, 2009

Michele Bachmann needs to read: This article about the census

It's in the New Republic. It's a sort of "The Census and What the Hell is That All About, For Dummies." It gives you the low-down on how it's done, why it's done, what arguments you're likely to hear about it...who's for it, who's against it, what does it look like...

Michele is mentioned, and on page two of the article they run that picture of her screaming (which I love.) Michele appears on their "enemies of the census list," which also includes: Glenn Beck, G. Gordon Liddy, Senator Richard Shelby, and Senator David Vitter (my representative when I'm down Louisiana--you know, "Diaper Dave.")

G. Gordon Liddy says he's opposed to the census because it's too "intrusive." He's a convicted burglar and illegal wiretapper--but taking the census; well, that's going a *little* too far, for Liddy.

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