Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tarryl Clark post to the Daily Kos: Michele Bachmann "sound bites"

Clark is "headed out to the Kos," that's where a lot of the national netroots support for her challenge will come from (she hopes.) Excerpts:

For the past few years, Representative Michele Bachmann has been a hot topic on DailyKos and across the blogosphere.

I'm hoping that, with your help, we can put an end to that in November, 2010...

...I'll be coming to Netroots Nation this week, to talk to all of you about how I plan to win this campaign, and how you can join me. I'll be posting another diary during my time there, talking more about the campaign ahead and the issues at stake for the residents of Minnesota's 6th District.

Because as much as everyone has enjoyed talking about Michele Bachmann, I'm looking forward to talking about something else come November, 2010.

What's Netroots Nation, you ask? Well, that's kind of like the national convention for liberal and progressive bloggers. Clark is almost sure to go over well there. All she has to do is go to the podium, open up her mouth and say "Hello, I'm Tarryl Clark and I'm the Democrat running to defeat Michele Bachmann--" That's all she has to say, to get an ovation from that crowd. That's it.

Read the full post to the Kos, here.

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