Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Michele Bachmann on KKMS

Bachmann was a guest on the Jeff and Lee show today. She was trying to encourage the KKMS audience to come to her town hall forum on Health Care. She was encouraging people to go to the forum early (at 1:45 PM) in order to get a seat.

I encourage Dump Bachmann readers to go to this forum, and to get their early, and be ready to ask questions. Please use this comment thread.

Here are the details about the Town Hall Meeting:

Health Care Reform Public Forum With special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D.

Thursday, August 27th, Doors open at 1:45 pm

Forum runs 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

Oak-Land Junior High School

820 Manning Avenue North, Lake Elmo

Along with my special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, who practiced medicine before coming to Congress and who sits on one of the House committees with jurisdiction over the health care reform legislation, we’ll be discussing the proposals that are making their way through Congress and hearing your thoughts on this important issue. I hope you’ll join us for this critical discussion.

Michele Bachmann and her staff are making a point of stating she will take questions at this Town Hall Forum. We'll see if she follows through.

As commenter Lady pointed out, Bachmann only showed up for 10 minutes during her "Town Hall" on Social Security in St Cloud. Larry Schumacher from the St Cloud Times covered the event.

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., whose office issued a news release billing her as the event’s host, appeared an hour into the forum, spoke briefly, then left without taking questions for another meeting.

“This forum is about what we’re going to see in the future. How will the government change what I’m receiving for Social Security, and my Medicare benefits, will they go down?” Bachmann told the crowd. “All that you have, that you’ve been promised, I want to make sure you will receive.”

Bachmann has publicly stated her support in the past for replacing Social Security with private retirement accounts for future generations of recipients, but did not raise the issue on Tuesday.

She should be asked about this position on Thursday.

Bachmann said she organized the forum after receiving several calls on the subject from constituents, and after helping her own family deal with the loss of parents this summer.

She said she had only intended to act as a facilitator for the event and that it was never advertised as a town hall.

Before she left, she reacted to one question from a member of the crowd about Congress and what type of Social Security and health care reform changes she would support.

“I support legislation that, whatever health care they come up with for all Americans, Congress should be on it too,” she said to great applause.

Bachmann promised the crowd they would have another chance to ask her questions on those and other issues at a town hall she hopes to host in St. Cloud in late September.

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