Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dana Houle Now Using Michele Bachmann Boogieman to Raise $ for Matt Entenza on Daily Kos

Here's his post.

Maybe I WILL Get a Chance to Take Out Michele Bachmann
by Dana Houle
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Mon Aug 17, 2009 at 03:15:51 PM PDT

A little over a month ago, I announced to the folks here at Daily Kos that I was going on a leave of absence as a DKos contributing editor so I could manage Elwyn Tinklenberg's campaign against Michele Bachmann.

Well, as you may have seen, things got complicated in that race, and El withdrew from the race, a decision I supported and think was the best move.

I figured I'd soon be heading out of Minnesota, to manage a Senate or Gubernatorial race somewhere. But about 90 minutes after our release went out, I got a phone call that's led to me staying in Minnesota...and possibly standing between Michele Bachmann and her dreams of being President.


Which brings me back to Michele Bachmann. Even before I arrived in Minnesota to work for El Tinklenberg, I was hearing rumors that Michele Bachmann could possibly give up her Congressional seat in favor of a run for Governor. We continue to hear speculation that she may run for Governor. And being a governor is usually a good platform from which one could run for President. And Michele Bachmann is waiting for the call from God to tell her to run.

I expect it to be a lot of fun working with Matt and helping him get elected governor of Minnesota. But it will be even more fun if along the way we get to defeat Michele Bachmann.

We'll see how much money that raises for Matt Entenza. At this point, I consider it unlikely that Michele Bachmann will get into the Governor's race in Minnesota. Minnesota Independent comments:

Is Houle is privy to some inside dope about Bachmann’s electoral plans? Not likely. But nothing elevates the heartbeats (and opens the wallets) of the liberal blogosphere like the prospect of unseating the flamboyant Republican. Raising the specter of, say, Marty Seifert occupying the governor’s mansion just doesn’t have the same effect.

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