Friday, August 14, 2009

Michele Bachmann Opponent Tarryl Clark Live Blog at Netroots Nation

It's up here. Lavendrblue asks an excellent question:

How do you plan on winning? (1+ / 0-)

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What's the game plan on going up against Michele Bachmann? How will you convince independents in our district to vote for you?

by lavndrblue on Fri Aug 14, 2009 at 01:41:20 PM PDT

It won't be easy, but we can do it (4+ / 0-)

I've run and won hard races before. We'll win this race the way we have before. Make sure we connect directly with voters with a strong grassroots effort; show them that I have a track record of effective representation and will work for them across party lines to create positive solutions (in contrast to our current Representative whose main accomplishment is creating controversy) and raise (with the netroots help) the funds needed to beat her on the airwaves. The netroots will also be an important part of winning this race.

by TarrylClark on Fri Aug 14, 2009 at 01:52:31 PM PDT

Another commenter adds:

Don't forget about that bridge in St. Cloud (2+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
lavndrblue, Jazziette

don't be afraid to ask Michele Bachmann how she thinks it should have been funded if not by earmarks or the transportation sales tax. I'd like to know if she just thinks the bridges in Mn-06 should just be shut down one by one as they get old.

The biggest obstacle in MN-06 is flat-out ignorance. I am constantly amazed here at how politically uninformed people are. They have no idea what pays for anything. They'll take the "tax increases" bait that will likely be Michele's primary line of attack against you, but every time they do it, shoot back with something real that they wouldn't have without that tax, like that bridge.

by decembersue on Fri Aug 14, 2009 at 02:22:30 PM PDT

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