Monday, August 10, 2009

MnIndy: why Palin and Bachmann "talk the same way"

Bachmann gets props from Palin, Politico
By Chris Steller 8/10/09 11:12 AM

...The reason Bachmann and Palin share a regional accent: A government-relief program in the 1930s populated Palin’s home region in Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley with Minnesotans...

How about that? During the Depression, a big federal government program set up Minnesotans in Alaska--so now there's a bunch of Republicans up there still taking federal tax money and talking about how much they hate big federal government--in Minnesota accents.

Meanwhile, down here in the lower 48--Bachmann's talking about how much she hates the federal government and how people shouldn't be taxed to redistribute wealth. While the Bachmann family farm continues to receive federal subsidies! And she's doing that in a Minnesota accent.

Moral of the story: you can get away with taking land and money from the federal government for generations, cursing out the federal government for giving you the land and money, and cursing out other Americans who take money and help from the government--if you're a Republican and you do it with a Minnesota accent.

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