Friday, August 7, 2009

Schumacher: cool Michele Bachmann hypocrisy story

Hat tip and big thank you to Lady, who sent this item in without a link, but I found it anyway.

Larry Schumacher's blog reports this item about the incredible integrity of Michele, ma belle:

Bachmann reads to children
Posted 8/7/2009 10:35 AM CDT on
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., will read to a group of children at 3 p.m. Monday at HealthPartners Central Minnesota Clinics in St. Cloud to highlight child literacy.

Bachmann is participating in the Reach Out and Read program, a national effort to train doctors and nurses to advise parents on the importance of reading to their children.

The program gives books to health providers to give to parents at well-child checkups from six months of age to five years old.

It receives federal funding through the Labor/Health and Human Services/Education Appropriations bill (Word .doc), which Bachmann voted against twice in 2007...

There is more, not much more, but it's deeply hypocritical on Michele's part and thus worth reading.

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