Friday, August 28, 2009

DB Commenters Go to Michele Bachmann's Town Hall Meeting

I went to the so-called Bachmann "Town Forum" today but arrived late at about 2:45 so the auditorium was pretty much packed with Bachmann's supporters. A friend told me that she had supporters bussed in. Clearly, they had a strategy planned to prevent any "liberals" from disrupting things with the facts.

The moderator was Matt Dean , Republican House member from 52B. After about 15-20 minutes of setting forth the agenda, reading the "rules" about being polite, singing the Star Spangled Banner; reciting Pledge of Allegiance; tributes to the military in attendance and not in attendance; and what a great country this is because we allow meetings like this for free speech, we get to Bachmann.

3:05-3:15: Bachmann's first 5 minutes were: what beautiful Minnesota weather, how great it is Brett Favre is a Viking, wish we could be at the State Fair, etc. Then she launches into speech denouncing HR 3200. Her speech plus the rest of the time are clearly designed for her to tout her new Bachmann secret plan, the Health Insurer Bailout and Recovery Act aka her Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, HR 636. Although a few dissenters were allowed to ask questions, most of the questions were from what appeared to me as being planted questions by Bachmann supporters designed to set her up to tout features of her new plan or to denounce some feature of the Obama "Democrat" plan HR 3200.

3:15-3:25: Mike Burgess is introduced. He discusses his involvement in the committee reviewing HR 3200 and why he is opposed.

Since it is clearly getting late with only about 30 minutes left for questions from the public, Dean next announces he is going to extend the "forum" until 4:15.

Unlike previous Bachmann town "fora", Bachmann actually remains through the rest of this one and actually allows a few questions from dissenters. What should have been an opportunity to inform people about the problem and how HR 3200 or other bills approach it, Bachmann used this forum to rally her supporters to get them behind her. As one dissenter put it, she stated about 6 lies alone in her 10 minute harangue about "the federal takeover of health care."

What was missing was someone to counter her slanted and biased interpretation of HR 3200 and point the major holes in her bill HR 636. Bachmann at least admits "market failure" in the health insurance/health care markets but her solution- more "individual policies through deductions and more ability to form health care pools- won't work because of the inability of individuals to negotiate over health care. Like what am I supposed to negotiate over if I get cancer?

One woman, at the end, asked a very good question to Burgess and Bachmann about what their alternatives would do for people like her whose insurer cancelled her after she sought coverage for her medical condition. She was very persistent but Bachmann had nothing but pat answers and then even she admitted that her alternative requires some "safety net" for people like disabled people who cannot get the coverage they need.

Sure sounded like welfare to me. But nobody asked Bachman about that because she didn't allow it.

What I noticed was how Bachmann was skillful in turning every question around to her advantage against questioners, turning them into Bachmann talking point for her own agenda. Her speaking and sales skills have been sharpened to convey disinformation about HR 3200 or disinformation about her own bill.

In summary, these are: the President's plan or HR 3200 are all "federal takeovers of health care", will create 53 boards and commissions between you and your health provider and create a staggering deficit which will force your children now 22 into paying taxes at 80% of their wages. Plus, she claims it will cost jobs.

Unlike her new improved health care insurance panacea: the Health Insurer Bailout and Recovery Act. No problem. All we need is more competition so people can choose their own insurer and deduct health insurance payments from their taxes.
jonerik Edit comment Delete comment | Homepage | 08.27.09 - 11:08 pm | #

Attended Bachmann Rally with intention of using Alinski tactics, which I did. On her claim that we have the best health care system in the world, I was on my feet screaming "That's a lie- Thats a lie." I also got to the question line and asked about this claim when we spend 5% of GDP more than the most of other advanced industrialized countries and have lesser outcomes- to shouts of disbelief and no.

When she began the usual politicians rant without addressing the question I pressed her to answer my question. Her response was "I believe we have the best health care system in the world" to cheers of course.

So it is now evident that my House member is using "belief based " ideas when considering bills-either presented or authored -for our country to run on.

What kind of reform, she contends that she wants some kind of reform, would come from someone who believes we already have the best system available.

Maybe her reform would allow her to receive even more $ from the insurance industry.

She is a good politician and the Dems, i am non party affiliated, will need a strong candidate and a great campaign to unseat this woman.
Mike Robinson

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