Sunday, August 9, 2009

Empirical Evidence: McCain-Palin/Anderson Votes Common in 2008 Race

Commenter Anna reports:

"Could this be the year where a Ross Perot actually hurts the conservative candidate instead of the liberal?"


Anderson helped Tinklenberg . . . more votes were siphoned from Bachmann to Anderson than from Tinklenberg.

A conservative and vocal IP candidate (socially conservative, libertarian leaning) would be a positive for the DFL candidate in the 2010 race.

How do I know that Anderson took more votes from Bachmann than Tinklenberg?

Let's just say that the Franken/Coleman recount was illuminating in more ways than one. It allowed the Dem ballot recount observers to see exactly how the votes were split. The Dems sent in a lot of VERY bright observers -- many with near photographic or photographic memories (such as myself), and ability to count just more than the Franken votes as they scanned each ballot. Hey, the majority of people with IQs above 160 are Democrats (they don't suck down the Republican lies), and that becomes a huge advantage when it comes to things like observing a recount.

Anderson took many more votes from Bachmann than he took from Tinklenberg. There were a HEAP of ballots that voted McCain/Palin and Anderson . . . they split because they couldn't hold their noses and vote for Bachmann after her Hardball gaffe. That's why he got 10% without spending any money or running a real campaign.

Clark needs to use EVERY embarrassing Bachmann "macaca" moment (and there are literally dozens of them), put them into TV ads and youtube (most are already there) and run them over and over and over. Tinklenberg didn't do that; he didn't run an aggressive campaign, and it cost him. A conservative (Christian fundamentalist, please) independent candidate would be GREAT!

Theme of the Clark campaign: "Let's put an honest, sane person into the seat -- one who works for the people of CD 6".

People who don't think before they speak are amusing to watch, but they shouldn't be our political leadership.

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