Tarryl isn’t a centrist or a moderate. She’s a hardline liberal. Her appearance is another bit of proof that she isn’t a centrist. One of the topics on the Netroots Nation’s agenda this weekend was fighting for full rights for LGBT citizens. Part of their fight is to enact legislation that permits gay marriage. While that’s a centrist position within the Nutroots Nation, it’s more than a little outside the mainstream of Sixth District politics.
I have no idea what Tarryl Clark's position is on gay marriage. She opposed the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage (the Bachmann amendment), when she ran for the legislature. Gay equality is not a liberal or conservative position. Some of the most anti-gay people I have met have been from the far left. Threads on Daily Kos which criticized President Obama on gay issues have quickly devolved into anti-gay rhetoric. Some of the most inclusive people I've met are also strong conservatives. Democrats tend to use the gay community as an ATM, while Republicans cater to the theocratic base in their party and tend to be publicly hostile to gays.
I left the following comment on Gary Gross's blog:
Michele Bachmann’s single minded pursuit of the Bachmann amendment while in the legislature, had less to do with “protecting traditional marriage”, than marginalizing gays for political gain. Why else were signs such as “Death Penalty for Homosexuals as Prescibed (sic) in the Bible” so prominent at her 2004 rally for this cause?
While Bachmann was a state senator, she sent an email to supporters bragging about stopping any other legislative business to promote her amendment - which was all about anti-gay animus, despite the claims to be about marriage.
If Bachmann was serious about preserving traditional marriage, she would have focused on divorce. It’s not the possibility of gays getting married that causes the high divorce rate among heterosexual married couples.
Comment by Eva Young • 23Aug2009 @ 7:14 pm
Gary Gross, author of the blog responded:
Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada…Your animus towards Michele is well-known…NEXT
Comment by Gary Gross
Michele Bachmann can't be allowed to forget this sign that was prominent at the rally she keynoted at the state capitol in 2004:

Michele Bachmann likes to claim she doesn't hate gays. However, it appears that to Michele Bachmann, the only good gay is an ex-gay.
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