Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Modus Operendi for Michele Bachmann's Forums

Commenter Liz asked about the previous Bachmann "forums". Other commenters answered:


Bachmann had a "forum" last April on climate change and cap and trade. She had this "expert" a climate change denier who simply held forth on how terrible the cap and trade legislation was, and how great it would be if everyone could own four or five gas guzzlers. No questions.

Republicans deplore those who object to the teabaggers and who shout at legitimate town halls as anti-democratic. Of course, when Bush was President, you could not attend if you were not pre-screened as a Bush supporter. If you were like those people who wore dissenting T-shirts at such an event, you were escorted out by the police. Bachmann's town fora are evidence of the total hypocrisy of the right. When Pawlenty says the Republican Party is winning the "battle of ideas" he means they are winning the battle of not having any ideas and defeating people who do. Bachmann demonstrates how this is done.
jonerik | 08.18.09 - 9:39 am | #


Bachmann has held a couple of these "forums", where she brings in an "expert" who speaks on a topic. She introduces the speaker, smiles while he/she is speaking, and that's all that happens. There are no questions taken from the audience and answered by Bachmann. It is NOT a townhall meeting.

She did one on Social Security and one on Cap and Trade.

The Cap and Trade "forum" was a speaker who works for the oil industry . . . basically he was there to say that global warming doesn't exist and we don't need to do anything about it.

There is no interaction between Bachmann and the audience at these forums. Constituents don't get to ask questions.

Republican Party of Minnesota Deputy Chair, Michael Brodkorb has something to say about politicians who don't answer constituent questions:

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