Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Michele Bachmann Challenger Tarryl Clark Interviewed by Huffington Post

Read it here. Money quote:

But in an interview with the Huffington Post, Minnesota State Sen. Tarryl Clark had a pithier message: Michelle Bachmann was Sarah Palin before Sarah Palin was Sarah Palin.

"For many in Minnesota, when Sarah Palin came on the scene it seemed like she was Alaska's Michelle Bachmann," Clark told the Huffington Post. "They seem to share some similarities."

Bachmann, for her part, seems to like the analogy. The Minnesota Republican sent out a fundraising email just last week in which she seemed to be stepping into the void left by the former Alaska Governor.

"With Gov. Palin taking a well-deserved step out of the spotlight, it appears that I may be absorbing even more of the liberals' scorn," Bachmann said, who went on to warn that the media would "Palinize" her.

To Clark, Bachmann's penchant for the outrageous soundbite and the conservative media spotlight is a distraction at best, and a disservice to the taxpayers at worst.

"People in the sixth district deserve to have reasonable representation and right now we have a representative whose main accomplishments is creating controversy and generating talk show ratings," she told the Huffington Post.

"I can't profess to explain why she, for example, doesn't want people to comply with the law with the census. Or more importantly, why does she want to send our taxpayer dollars to other states?" Clark added. "We are already not getting a good return on our dollar. But the bottom line is, is that it reinforces that her head is really elsewhere. She does seem to be more interested in attention then in focusing on the needs of the district. And it is important that we do have someone willing to roll up their shirtsleeves and get the job done for people. And if she is interested in being Ann Coulter, fine. But the taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for that."

Read the whole thing.

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