Sunday, August 16, 2009

Comments on the Interview with Tarryl Clark

I think the interview as very good and Tarryl was very clear. Her Afghanistan answer was the right one. She doesn't have all the information that elected officials have more. She is clear that wants to bring troops home ASAP. I'm not sure she understands how important it is for many CD6 constituents that we have a representative that is clear on their stance on DADT and DOMA. That will be where I make my decision of support. I will never, EVER again support a candidate that will not support my family. Am I putting all my eggs in one basket......yeah probably but I am tired of representatives taking our money and asking for our volunteer time then ignoring the issue once elected.
Cathy Harrison

David Joseph DeGrio
I like Maureen Reed, but Tarryl clearly has the hearts of the traditional DFL delegates. Unless Maureen can get a good grassroots effort to get new people into the caucuses, Tarryl has the endorsement wrapped up. It'll be interesting to see what happens with a primary challenge. It's nice to see a DFL candidate who isn't afraid to tackle GLBT issues head on. Brava Tarryl!

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