Friday, August 14, 2009

MPR: Bachmann's town hall meeting will be held on August 27, but it won't necessarily be what you'd call a "town hall meeting"

Here is the headline that MPR ran:

Minn. delegation's town hall meeting schedule

by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio
August 14, 2009

But here is what MPR says Bachmann has actually announced:

6th District: U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R, will hold a forum on health care on Thurs. Aug. 27. Her office said it will release the time and location next week.

Pay very, very careful attention to the wording there. In a story announcing town hall meetings (and lack of same) by MN congressmen, this story does *not* announce a Bachmann town hall meeting--it announces a Bachmann "forum."

Regular readers who've been waiting for Bachmann to hold a town hall meeting know the difference between a Bachmann "town hall meeting" (practically extinct) and a Bachmann "forum." Question for MPR: will she be taking live questions from unscreened constituents? She didn't at the "forum" she held on global warming and climate change. But MPR billed *that* as "a town hall meeting." It's not if she doesn't open up the floor to questions from constituents.

How long can she get away with passing off one-way speeches and presentations as "town hall meetings?" As long as MPR lets her, I guess.

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