Saturday, May 21, 2011

[REL]Modern Warfare 2 Emergency Vehicles V2

FSB van [all bugs fixed]
What's fixed? It's got damaged parts and winodows, fixed lights, doors, wheels, minor bugs. Interior and exterior collisions are fixed too.

Ambulance [all fixable bugs fixed]
What's fixed? It's got damaged parts and windows, fixed wheels, collision, lights and position of peds. Bugs: The front doors won't open (I can't fix that).

US Police Car [all bugs fixed]
What's fixed? It's got damaged parts and windows, fixed wheels, doors, lights and collision.

US Police Car with snow [all bugs fixed]
What's fixed? It's got damaged parts and windows, fixed wheels, doors, lights and collision.

Russian Police Car [all bugs fixed]
What's fixed? It's got damaged parts and windows, fixed wheels, doors, lights and collision.

Russian Police Car with snow [all bugs fixed]
What's fixed? It's got damaged parts and windows, fixed wheels, doors, lights and collision.


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