Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bachmann Lied to Get More Offshore Oil Drilling

Nick Coleman back in 2008:

The Chinese are drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba -- just 45 miles from Florida -- and I don't like it. Neither does Rep. Michele Bachmann, Vice President Dick Cheney, Sen. John McCain and other righteous Americans who are so ticked off about the China connection that we can't see straight.

Or think straight, either.

Do you want to know the problem with the Chinese taking offshore oil from Cuba while American oil drillers sit on their hands because pansy global warming freaks won't let us punch more holes in the ocean and we pony up $4 a gallon to fill the family Hummer?

The problem is it isn't true.

To see how deeply we are addicted to oil, check out the election-year pandering of the politicians promising to restore our God-given right to cheap gas by making sure the Chinese don't buy Cuba's.

What a pathetic country we have become. It's like watching a drunk search through his pockets for enough nickels and dimes to buy one more quart of Ripple. Only, we're the drunk.

More Bachmann BS on oil:

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