Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Profile of Maureen Reed in the U of M paper

Some biographical information and "my important issues" stuff in this article.

Reed said she is passionate about healthcare and education.

“When President Obama got elected and put healthcare reform on the front burner of the national agenda, I thought, ‘This is where I can contribute,’” she said. “I know the area, I know we can fix it, I am certain we can fix it, and I’m certain it has to be fixed.”

Reed wants students to know that education is important to her.

“[Students’] success and their future prospects are really important to me, and to all of us, not just to me,” she said. “We need our young folks to be very successful, our country needs that and I’m glad it can happen and it will happen.”

She was on the U Board of Regents for eight years. When she was a youth, she wanted to go to veterinary school--but they didn't let women in the program back then, so she became a people doctor. She ran for lieutenant governor as Independence Party candidate in 2006. She ice skates. She's raised a lot of money for this race against Michele, but we already knew that.

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