A quote from Joshua Holland's "Obama Making BP Pay Is Good Government, and That's Why Republicans and the Corporate Media Are Freaking Out""
The fact that applying pressure to a corporation whose risky cost-cutting resulted in what may prove to be the worst man-made disaster in history is seen as an act of government overreach says a lot about how deep down the rabbit hole of corporate propaganda we’ve gone since the Reagan/Thatcher “revolution.” Whereas at one time analysts warned of governments nationalizing firms or distorting the market with rigid price controls, we’ve now come to a point where a strongly worded letter or a few harsh words are enough to elicit mainstream hand-wringing on behalf of delicate multinational corporations like BP.
Meanwhile, BP's oil gusher is wiping out the livelihoods of thousands of families who are now applying for food stamps:
Applications for food stamps in Panhandle counties have soared since oil began gushing from the broken BP pipe leak. Since May 1st application are up 15 percent. The Department of Children and Families is keeping separate data to track people who qualify for food stamps because the oil has destroyed their careers. Don Winstead is the Welfare Advisor for DCF. He says along with the growing need for food assistance is a growing need for councilors to help families going through hard times.
“Being not only in the food stamp program and other benefit programs but also seen through our mental health program also. One of the things we typically do after disaster is increase our counseling capacity because people are going to be affected in a variety of ways,” said Winstead.
These are fellow Americans and Bachmann wants them to find a lawyer and file a claim against BP and even go through the appeals process to get BP to compensate them for taking away their means to earn a living.
Bachmann doesn't give a damn about people - only big, negligent, polluting corporations:

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