Also, lots of people are leaving comments on the Bradlee Dean You Tube videos.
Here's a sample on Michele Bachmann Raising $$$ for Bradlee Dean (warning, some are NSFW):
Looking like Axl Rose's meth-addicted little sister is not very appealing.
RING RING -- It's 1987 and Axl Rose wants his "Appetite For Destruction" look back.
What a total. Uber. Douche.
Bradlee Dean is a sanctimonious twit...supremely ignorant and dangerous. He publicly advocates violence against those he hates. He is the same old Nazi hate wrapped in unintelligible mickey mouse fundamentalist Christian dogma. Go away Bradlee Dean and take the rest of your American Taliban with you or better yet do take up arms against the US government....PLEASE do it man...walk the walk asshole and see what happens.
They are the new TALIBANGELISTS.
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