Kate Lan-FIERCE! Love her and love her incredible Our Lord and Saviour clutch.

Python Clutch: $3,265
Kate's crocodile version: $8,695
The words "Jesus Christ" have never been more appropriate.
And on that note: Happy first night of Hanukkah!
So far, all of us agree on the fact that women’s entry into the realm of an active political struggle is inevitable.
But the main question which this premise immediately confronts us with is that in which direction women’s struggle in this era should be pointed.
Should the present campaigns for the right to employment, against violence and aggression and against victimizing children and women in sex-slave trade be expanded?
Should the campaign for abortion and defending the rights of oppressed women be promoted to the next level?
Or is there another objective in the works?
These campaigns are, of course, quite valuable and must continue. On International Women’s Day, all such activists must be commended.
Once we had become members of Leadership Council in the winter of 1997 the Rajavis held a meeting in Badi' Zadegan Camp [in Iraq]. We were told to take a bath before the meeting and all our clothes had to be clean […]Maryam Rajavi told us that this meeting was "the pool of Leadership Council, and "Dance of Salvation" with Massoud.[…] I was really worried about what was going to happen in the meeting. […] after everyone took a shower and wore make up, we were told to enter hall X which was decorated beautifully in white. There were two sofas …. [...]
Maryam told us:" since then you are Massoud's wives"[…]
Then Massoud read the wedding sermon for all women one by one.[…] then they took the table and spread a large white meters on the floor. I was shocked to see some high-ranking women of leadership Council took off their clothes and went to Massoud. Massoud was saying "yes take off your clothes of heresy and ignorance and dive in the pool to unite yourself with me in order to be resistant enough in every moment of your struggle." […] Maryam also said, "Get close to Massoud and unite with him."
I noticed that Maryam and some other high ranking members were monitoring us and trying to convince those of us who hesitated to remove their underwear.[…]Maryam said that we were no more jealous to each other so we could fight together.[…]she tried to persuade us to look at the others having sex with Massoud Rajavi.[…]
As recently as last week, Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) called for the U.S. to remove the Iranian resistance organization from the State Department’s terror list. “We have shackled this freedom-seeking group which has the ability to help Iranians rise up against that tyrannical regime,” were her exact words.
A resolution is already in the works in the House supported by Democrats and Republicans, and several GOPers have come forward to support the claim that the MKO is a peace-loving opposition group that wants nothing but human rights and needs U.S. support. Sometimes, though, the truth is far more sinister than what it appears. Not only is the MKO not peace-loving, it is also perhaps the most hated organization active in Iran — even more hated than the institutionalized mullahcracy that governs the country.
While the public is outraged by the persecution of Iran’s opposition Green Movement activists, members of the MKO are universally abhorred by mullah and non-mullah alike. This isn’t some group that opposes Iran’s dictator Ayatollah Ali Khamenei through peaceful means. This is a group that actively joined forces with Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War in the ’80s and killed their fellow Iranians — including civilians. They also assassinated Americans in Iran during the shah’s regime.
Siding with the MKO does absolutely nothing but make the Iranian public suspicious of America’s motives. So bad is its reputation that even America’s peacenik neighbors up north in Canada refused to take them off the terror list. At a time when the GOP needs to formulate a plan sympathetic toward the Iranian populace, Rep. Bachmann and others are out to further energize the Iran’s mullahs. Imagine how easy it would be for Iran to further stoke hate against the U.S. if the MKO were to be removed from the terror list and received active U.S. support.