I am - I take full responsibility.
Way back in 2005, Eva Young invited me to contribute to the Dump Bachmann blog. I helped Bachmann achieve celebrity status by posting videos of her saying God asked her to run for Congress and she was not lukewarm, but hot for God. What I didn't anticipate was by helping Bachmann become a celebrity, she didn't have worry about getting re-elected - celebrities play by different rules than politicians.
Over the years I added more lustre to her celebrity status every time I posted a video or article that revealed her incompetence. meanness, stupidity, bigotry and paranoia - terrible traits for a serious politician, but solid gold for a headline-grabbing opportunist like Bachmann.
Realizing my mistake, I tried to post information about Bachmann's ties to criminals, extremists and con men. But that backfired because I didn't make the information simple enough for the mainstream and progressive media to share with their readers.
I realized I screwed up big-time when right before the election, The Nation published a cover story titled "Sex and the GOP" which included Bachmann. In desperation, I sent the following email (edited version published in this week's issue):
Our household subscribes to The Nation and we look forward to every issue, but I was disappointed with the choice of the cover story "Sex and the GOP". This close to the election, I expect something more hard-hitting from The Nation.
As a contributor to the Dump Bachmann blog, I would have preferred to read a story about Michele Bachmann's pardon letter for Petters Ponzi associate and top donor Frank Vennes Jr. or her acceptance of $10K from the operator of the sham U.S Navy Veterans Assoc. charity or Bachmann's support for bizarre, homophobic radio preacher Bradlee Dean or Bachmann's support for a crackpot pod transport scheme.
The Dump Bachmann blog has been exposing Bachmann's lies and ties to corrupt and extremist individuals and organizations for nearly 5 years.
Ken Avidor.
Imagine how naive I was to think anyone cares that Bachmann had close ties to crooks and extremists. Politicians can't have crooked or extremist friends, but Bachmannn is a celebrity and celebrities are permitted to have all the crooked and extremist pals they want.
I've learned my lesson.
From now on, I won't post anything on Dump Bachmann or anywhere else that will add value to Michele Bachmann's celebrity status. I won't be Bachmann's publicity agent anymore.

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