Here is the link to see all the wonderful palettes and painters.
Studio Visits: 10 Great Paintings, 10 Artist Studios (PHOTOS)

PS Those two paintings look completely different now
Looking into an artist's studio is a bit like opening a friend's refrigerator: you are going to learn a lot about them very quickly Since I began blogging on the topic of painters and their palettes I have been floored by the variety of materials my artist friends use, and have also been seduced by the allure of their creative spaces. In this slideshow, there is a painting for every taste and an intimate array of palettes, and studio shots. Looking it over myself, I couldn't help thinking that looking over this slideshow is like eating a 10 course meal prepared by 10 great chefs who let you glimpse their kitchens. Enjoy
PS: If you get addicted to these, check out artist Farrell Brickhouse's "Tables, Shelves and Palettes" on Facebook.

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