Saturday, June 18, 2011

Obama impersonator tells racist jokes at Republican Leadership Conference

Perhaps you've heard that an Obama impersonator, Reggie Brown, got out of hand at the Republican Leadership Conference on Saturday. Got up on stage and told some racist and other offensive jokes.

Now, he was removed from the stage when organizers thought he had gone too far, but, honestly, what were they expecting? Did they really have no idea that his "comedy" would be offensive in a way that is fairly common among conservatives?

"Unless you're simply not paying attention," Booman observes, "a day never goes by when the Republicans fail to let blacks, gays, Latinos, Muslims, and anyone else they don't like realize that they're unwelcome in their party." In this case, they can blame the impersonator, or at least they can try to. The fact is, he didn't say anything that goes against what a hell of a lot of Republicans are thinking these days, what with a black man in the White House and the country moving away from the paradise of white supremacy that many of them look to with nostalgic pride.

By the way... the audience laughed. Republicans, you see, find this sort of thing side-splittingly funny.

And as Think Progress notes, "RLC President Charlie Davis said that the Obama impersonator was 'funny the first 10 or 15 minutes.' That's when the racial jokes were told."

Here, should you care to see the offensive yuk-yukking in action, is the clip:

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