Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Slow posting today -- actually, nothing up before this. What can I say, it was a long holiday weekend (Canada on Friday, the U.S. today), summer is in full swing, at least up in my part of the world, and it's been a busy time for me on a number of fronts.

But allow me, late this evening, to wish all of you Americans out there (and I'm part-American myself) a belated Happy Fourth of July.

I hope you've had a wonderful day filled with family and friends, baseball and BBQ.

Now let the blogging resume...

But not before posting this clip from one of the best worst movies of all time, a movie so terrible it's not just good but actually rewatchable (as I often do when I come across it on the teevee), a movie with one of the most laughable inspirational/patriotic/jingoistic speeches ever.

Yes, on this Fourth of July, let's watch some Independence Day!

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