Monday, February 15, 2010


When I first observed that the 70's were starting to creep their way into fashion, I could not wait to see what the Fall runways were going to have in store. One show that I was particularly antsy for was Diane Von Furstenberg. The story of how Diane rose to fame is one for the books, and the book reads more like a fairy tale. She explained, "The minute I knew I was about to be Egon's wife, I decided to have a career. I wanted to be someone of my own, and not just a plain little girl who married beyond her desserts." Thirty thousand dollars, a trip to America, and a new husband later, Diane built herself an empire. For this reason and for thousands of others, I look at Diane as being one of the most successful, innovative, and sexiest designers of our time. It never surprises me when Diane's collections are at the top of my list and this one is no exception. The Queen of 54 delivered the goods with bulky sweaters layered over silk chiffons and shiny black leathers contrasting against neon brights. The prints were some of the best I've seen her produce and the sequin and bead appliques left me with the feeling that I knew I was right. Long live the queen.

(I hear that sometimes bloggers write about things and then later receive them as a gift from the designer. Well Diane, if you are listening, I would really love this dress. I promise to exercise more so I can do this dress justice, bring you coffee whenever you want it, and hey I'm Jewish and so are you, so that has to count for something..)

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