Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bachmann Calls on the DOJ and the FBI to Investigate Whether 341 Felons Tipped Senate Election

You'd think a politician who wrote a letter to President Bush asking for a pardon for a man convicted of money laundering, gun & drug traffiking & mixed up with convicted felon Tom Petter's Ponzi scheme... not to mention accepting $10K from and having her picture taken with a guy who ran a sham charity... would shy away from talking about felons, but not Michele Bachmann.

Bachmann put on her tin foil hat and spun a few conspiracy theories on the African-American Conservative radio show.

He [Barack Obama] was the sponsor of a radical bill that would give one percent of the entire U.S. budget to the U.N. He wanted to give that money to the U.N. that would eventually lead to a tax that the United States would be paying over to this world government."

Bachmann also claims stimulus spending is an "abject failure".

At the end of this clip, Bachmann calls on the DOJ and the FBI to investigate the claim that 341 felons tipped the election in favor of Al Franken... listen :

Bachmann repeated the claim - "We Had 341 felons who voted for Al Franken" on Glen Beck's radio show.

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