Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bachmann & Her Tea Party Caucus Urge Israel to Attack Iran

Foreign Policy:

Almost two dozen Tea Party-affiliated lawmakers cosponsored a new resolution late last week that expresses their support for Israel "to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force."

The lead sponsor of the resolution was Texas Republican Louie Gohmert, one of four congressmen to announce the formation of the 44-member Tea Party caucus at a press conference on July 21. The other three Tea Party Caucus leaders, Michele Bachmann, R-MN, Steve King, R-IA, and John Culberson, R-TX, are also sponsors of the resolution. In total, 21 Tea Party Caucus members have signed on, according to the latest list of caucus members put out by Bachmann's office.

The resolution cites threats by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to "annihilate" the state of Israel, endorses other means to persuade Iran to stop pursuing nuclear weapons, and states the lawmakers' support for an Israeli military strike "if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time."

... and where is Bachmann's pal Ron Paul on this?

Notably absent from the resolution -- and indeed, from the Tea Party Caucus -- is Ron Paul, the Texas congressman and 2008 presidential candidate. Paul, who leads the libertarian wing of the Tea Party movement, was one of only 11 members of the House to vote against the recent Iran sanctions bill, which he called "very, very dangerous and not well thought out"; in 2007 he expressed his concern that "a contrived Gulf of Tonkin-type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran."

So much for Bachmann's big tent.. any word from David Fitzsimmons about the pro-WWIII tilt of the Tea Party movement?

Folks, when Bachmann & her gang talk of using "all means necessary" they are are talking nukes.

Bachmann has had no problem with the idea of nuking Iran in the past:

We certainly don't want to move toward a nuclear response anytime soon or without an abundance of caution."

"We can't remove any option off the table and we should not remove the nuclear response."

Never mind that a nuclear strike on Iran's nuclear facilities will likely spread radioactive fallout on Afghanistan, India and Pakistan.

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