Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Michele Bachmann Fellow Traveller Andrew Breitbart

Michele Bachmann goes out of her way to seek out, conspire and scheme with the worst, the lowest, slimiest, loathsome, sleazy and repulsive fellow travelers (see sidebar to the left).

Could anyone be more loathsome, sleazy and repulsive than Andrew Breitbart?

Bachmann, of course is a proud member of the reeking, rogues gallery of bigots, liars, sociopaths and shills at Breitbart's stinking, pig-wallow of a website called Big Government.

Listen to audio of Bachmann bleating her vapid opinion that Barack Obama is "the worst President in history" in a Big Government interview conducted by one of Breitbart's gang of inane, asinine, degenerate, right-wing, contemptible creeps.

SHAPIRO: Is President Obama better or worse than Jimmy Carter?
BACHMANN: Worse. Easily worse.
SHAPIRO: I agree. So far, you’d have to say he’s the worst president in United States history …
BACHMANN: No question. No question.
SHAPIRO: … with the possible exception of James Buchanan.

Here's a video of the thoroughly obnoxious, disgusting, rotten, putrid, execrable, sycophantic Andrew Breitbart obsequiously praising the equally loathsome and repulsive Michele Bachmann:

"This is a true warrior. This is a person you'd want to march to battle with. This is not a person who is looking at polls to decide what the right thing to do is. This is a person with a moral compass... "


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