Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exodus International Email Interview With Bradlee Dean

The Bradlee Dean money quote from the pray-away-the-gay Exodus International blog:

Bradlee: I think at times public people expect others (their regular listeners) to know who they are, and what their intents truly are, because they know our hearts. It is easy to lose this in the mix.

Secondly, no, I did not extract that from what I said because it was not what I meant or intended. The intent is out of context. Right after this was said, I clearly stated that I was trying to warn the gay community. Oftentimes, the common people heard Christ gladly, while the religious people didn’t understand a thing He was saying....

Yeah, sure, whatever. Only his regular listeners know what he really means - like Peter Pan says ""All you need is faith and trust and a little bit of pixie dust".

The Minnesota Mullah also says where he got the statistic about gays molesting kids:

Exodus: As a former gay man, I never molested children or knew of anyone who did and yet you say “On average, they molest 117 people before they’re found out. How many kids have been destroyed, how many adults have been destroyed because of crimes against nature?”. It appears that this is being said as a generalization of all gay people. Please explain where you got that statistic and how you think that is somehow going to make a gay person want to come to know Christ?

Bradlee: This is one statement that is true concerning the pedophilia population. If you were to listen to all of our shows over the past year, you would hear that we have hit on the topic of child molestation in general. ANYONE who molests children is guilty of a heinous crime, whether you are a heterosexual or homosexual. However, you can thank the reporters who extracted a small portion of our show to accuse us of targeting gays alone, when that is not the case. Please click on the link below to see all of the child molestation statistics.

When ANYONE begins to lay for the innocent, we all have a duty to protect them.

Yeah, it's the reporters fault. Here's the segment where Bradlee Dean mentions the statistic - listen and decide for yourself:

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