Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Will Minnesota Churches and Politicians Cut Ties to Bradlee Dean's Ministry of Hate?

As posted earlier, the pray-away-the-gay ministry Exodus International threw Bradlee Dean and his gay-hating ministry under the bus:

Using Old Testament scriptures to condemn a person to death is not “loving” … it is incomplete theology and powerfully irresponsible. To say that murderous actions are more “moral” than tolerating free will is to completely ignore that Jesus did not call for the deaths of sinners.

Uh, yeah... executing gays is not exactly "pro-life" is it?

We called our contacts in Minnesota and apparently Mr. Dean is somewhat known in Christian circles there. They have run into him a couple of times but have not appreciated his strident tone. They were as upset by his statements as we are. I would imagine he will be getting a few phone calls.

Oh, yeah?

Apparently, the Jesus People Church of Rogers, Minnesota is still sticking with Bradlee Dean - they are hosting YCRBYCH tonight. This is from their more recent newsletter (PDF):

Wednesday, June 2nd “You Can Run But You Cannot Hide”

This presentation will blow your mind. Bradlee Dean and his staff ministers to high school assemblies all around the country.

Bradlee is not afraid to talk about the controversial issues that many churches avoid. Come and hear the truth about our nation, sin and the coming judgment. The faint of heart need not apply

This un-nice preoccupation of an alarming number of Minnesota Christians with hating gays is attracting attention of Christians elsewhere.

But here in Minnesota, the silence of churches with ties to Bradlee Dean is deafening.

Ex-Gay Watch has a post today that mentions a few Exodus International-affiliated Minnesota "ministries" with close ties to Bradlee Dean; Living World Christian Center and Janet Boynes (both Janet Boynes and LWCC also have close ties to Bachmann). The LWCC's Driven Senior High has a notice of a 2009 event with Bradlee Dean.

The following is a letter of praise and support for Bradlee Dean from Minnesota Teen Challenge (I obscured the names of their "patients"):


There's more of letters from "ministries", but let's move on to the politicos....

Here is a letter from Bachmann's district office manager, Julie Quist.


Here's one from the Elk River Mayor Stephanie Klinzing:

Then there's Bachmann's fundraising and prayers for Bradlee Dean and Tom Emmer saying Bradlee Dean and his ministers of hate are "nice people".

... and Tim Pawlenty? Yes, Tim Pawlenty:

..and Rep. Mary Kiffmeyer;

Teaming with former Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer, YCRBYCH and Judge Roy Moore hope to bring about change in both the Church and the young adults of today.

Will the mainstream media in Minnesota continue to ignore this issue?

Reader Betty comments:

Mainstream media needs to get a clue. Bradlee Dean is not a minister and he does not run a ministry. He is an opportunistic phony using his false piety and revivalism to lure young children into a cult of hate and intolerance.

If anyone can wave a magic wand and call themselves a "minister" and receive special tax considerations from the federal, state and local governments then NO CHURCH SHOULD. By dispensing these special tax treatments our government is acknowledging and accepting and condoning the exclusionary beliefs and hateful tactics of something that would otherwise be labeled a hate group, like the KKK.

The first thing that needs to happen is to take away their 501(c)3 status. They are supporting candidates and political causes. If they have to start paying taxes, or have their contributions regulated under other tax structures then Bradlee Dean will be out of business. No one would go near him. There would be no "church" or "ministry" to hide behind. That's right Bradlee "you can run, but you can't hide" from the IRS.

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