Bachmann's favorite punk preacher Bradlee Dean is also a David Barton fan (Barton has been on The Sons of Liberty show). In his latest screed about the media, Bradlee Dean cites the following "fact" to support his belief that God is in charge:
Moses and the Ten Commandments are displayed on the top of the Supreme Court building.
Reader James K in the comments:
*bangs head against desk* So is Solon and Confucius and a bunch of other "lawgivers" and it's on the back side of the building you dunce.
Sure nuff, I Googled it... from
The sculptures in the eastern pediment of the US Supreme Court Building were carved by Herman A. McNeil. At the center are three great lawmakers:
These figures are flanked by figures that symbolize ideas:
Means of Enforcing the Law
Tempering Justice with Mercy
Carrying on Civilization
Settlement of Disputes Between States
Herman A. MacNeil's pediment carvings stirred controversy because the central figures were drawn from religious traditions. However, in the 1930s, the Supreme Court Building Commission did not question the wisdom of placing Moses, Confucius, and Solon on a secular government building. Rather, they trusted in the architect, who deferred to the artistry of the sculptor, Herman A. MacNeil.
MacNeil didn't intend his sculptures to have religious connotations. Explaining his work, MacNeil wrote, "Law as an element of civilization was normally and naturally derived or inherited in this country from former civilizations. The 'Eastern Pediment' of the Supreme Court Building suggests therefore the treatment of such fundamental laws and precepts as are derived from the East."
"From the East".. and what about that other guy from the East, y'know Muhammad? He's depicted in a frieze on the inside of the Supreme Court... and Muhammad's wielding a sword!!!
YCRBYCH has a constitution course... will Bachmann invite the YCRBYCH guys to teach their BS to Congress members?

Picture from from
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