Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Recall in Wisconsin (revisited)

Last week it was three. Now it's six. Even with an expected victory, things are looking pretty bleak for Republicans in Wisconsin:

Conservatives and some political observers are making a big deal out of the fact that the Dem candidate in the closely watched state Supreme Court race in Wisconsin finally conceded defeat today, as had long been expected.

But surely it’s also a big deal that we now know for certain that six Wisconsin Republican state senators will officially face recall elections, while a grand total of zero Democrats may face the same?

Today the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board announced that they have now approved the signatures required for recall elections against the following six GOP senators: Rob Cowles, Alberta Darling, Sheila Harsdorf, Randy Hopper, Dan Kapanke, and Luther Olsen. That means these six elections are definitely moving forward.

Meanwhile, the board has also announced that they are not prepared to approve the signatures gathered by Republicans for the recall of their three Democratic targets. Dems have alleged that the signature gathering by Republicans is fraudulent, and now the board has explicitly claimed that their reason for not approving the recall elections against Dems is that the signatures "have raised numerous factual and legal issues which need to be investigated and analyzed."

Translation: The fraud allegations just may have something to them.

Republican fraud? No, really? 

The Democrats might just take back the State Senate out of all this. And all because Republicans, pursuing their extremist right-wing anti-union (and anti-labor) agenda, decided to commit political suicide.

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