Wednesday, July 6, 2011


While we're on the topic of buying me things, I can't seem to get my mind off of these incredible Balenciaga boots.  They have been in the glossy's for months, but it wasn't until I saw a boy no older than 20 rocking them on the subway platform, that I began to experience extreme jealousy and desire.  It was only then that I started to brainstorm on what useless things I could eliminate from my spending to be able to justify the purchase of these $1,275 boots. I mean, do I really need to eat more than 1 meal a day and would it really be that bad if that meal were a hot pocket? Who needs air conditioning in the middle of the summer or a heater in the winter? Not this girl! My brand new boots and newly revitalized ego will keep me warm!  As for the rent, who needs it? These shoes were made for looking hardcore on the streets, and you know what isn't hardcore- sleeping on a pillow top surrounded by rose printed wall paper- that's what! 

Obviously I am kidding, but I really have been worshiping these shoes for quite some time now.  Lucky for me, according to my calculations and, they will be mine in approximately 1.5 years...even if I have to buy them off some 20 year old kid's feet.  

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