Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ed Schultz Devotes One Quarter of His Show to Michele Bachmann

He had the author of "Going Crazy", the City Pages cover story about Michele Bachmann as a guest on his show. Hat Tip: Star Tribune.

Liberal television host Ed Schultz devoted more than a quarter of his MSNBC show on Wednesday night to Rep. Michele Bachmann -- an unusual amount of time even for Schultz, who perennially takes swipes at Bachmann in his "Psycho Talk" segment.

Noting that the Ed Show was "live from Minneapolis," Schultz explained that, "On the eve of Thanksgiving, I want to talk about the biggest turkey in the Congress, Michele Bachmann."

Schultz said the "roads are filled with anti-abortion and pro-gun billboards" in Bachmann's home district just northwest of the Twin Cities and "there are huge megachurches in this part of the country. I guess you could say that this is Bachmann country."

He then separately interviewed three guests about Bachmann's rising stature in the Republican Party: Matt Snyders of City Pages, Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen and Republican Strategist Ron Christie.

Christie criticized Snyders' recent cover story on Bachmann for the City Pages, explaining that he told the show's bookers he did not want to talk about the article, which he cited as an example of conservative women being "demonized."

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