Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tim Walz Raises Money by Tying Opponent to Michele Bachmann

In this case, it's accurate.

Dear Friend,

While we are working hard this week, day and night, to get a health care bill that improves the lives of Minnesotans – just as we promised last November – my opponent, Allen Quist, is in Washington working the right-wing into a frenzy.

Quist and Michele Bachmann are two peas in a pod – they have been teammates for more than ten years.

He launched his campaign this week by asking people to join him and Rep. Michele Bachmann at a rally in Washington, DC. Their first goal: preventing Congress from reforming America’s broken health care system.

Allen Quist, a former GOP endorsed candidate for Governor in Minnesota, first began working with Rep. Bachmann in 1998 – two years before she ran for office in Minnesota. It’s clear from their extreme right-wing ideology that they are kindred political spirits. Indeed, he got her elected to the State Senate, the first political office she held.

Now, my opponent is actively receiving the support of the extreme right-wing money machine. He’s building an attack fund and it will not be long before he fills our airwaves with negative ads.

We’ve seen this before!

Quist is committed to the notion that America’s best days are behind us, that the only way to move forward is by turning back the clock. Today, he led a delegation from Minnesota to Rep. Bachmann’s Tea Party Protest where they are pushing solutions that are nothing more than failed policy from the past.

I need your help today.

You know that First District voters support effective leadership, not extreme right-wing offensive agendas, but we cannot let the big money of the extreme right-wing shout down common sense.

Please contribute $25, $50, $100 or more today to ensure we show voters they have a clear choice!

Because of his fierce allegiance – and arguable founding of the extreme right-wing in Minnesota, Quist has quickly earned the backing of Michele Bachmann.

As Allen Quist stands with Rep. Bachmann today in an effort to prevent health care reform for millions of hard working families… I need you to stand with me.

I need your help – today – to ensure voters know they have a choice. A very clear choice.


Congressman Tim Walz

Walz ought to look up the ads that Arne Carlson used against Alan Quist in 1994.

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