Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tarryl Clark Campaign: Where Was Michele Bachmann Last Weekend?

Today, folks across the 6th District are working hard to stay in their homes and keep their jobs. Families are gathered around the kitchen table, trying to pay their bills and save just a little bit for retirement or to send the kids to college.

So with all this work to be done in Congress and here in Minnesota, where was Michele Bachmann this weekend?

Riling up her national conservative followers in Palm Beach, Florida.

According to the Washington Independent, Bachmann was a speaker at the Freedom Center's "Restoration Weekend," “a pricey four-day Palm Beach celebration of conservative ideas,” alongside Ann Coulter, Phyllis Schlafly, and Newt Gingrich.

It's time for a Congresswoman who will actually do the job and whose first and only priority is to fight for the people of Minnesota, not the conservative power-players of Palm Beach.

Tarryl Clark will always put us first. Just as she has in the State Senate, Tarryl Clark will go to work every day to fight for the people of her district - not promote her own personal agenda or build her national celebrity.

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