Monday, November 16, 2009

Michele Bachmann Shows Up at Northstar Opening

She really has some nerve. Tarryl Clark calls her out:

Today, the new Northstar train is rolling down the tracks from Big Lake to Minneapolis, carrying thousands of commuters from the 6th district to their jobs in the Cities - saving them hundreds of dollars in gas money and taking nearly a lane-and-a half of traffic off our congested roads.

It's a glimpse into our transportation future - a future we may never see if Michele Bachmann stays in Congress. Because Michele Bachmann's answer to any opportunity to invest in our transportation future is always one simple word:


No to Northstar - a project she has opposed since her days in the State Senate and won't help complete to St. Cloud. No to federal funds for repairing our roads and bridges, like the Highway 23 bridge when it was closed as unsafe. No to transit in the I-94 corridor, stretching across the 6th District between the Cities and Wisconsin.

Time and again, when our communities need investments to modernize our infrastructure or grow our businesses, her answer is no.

With Michele Bachmann in Congress, we may as well be on a train to nowhere.

On Friday, many of the passengers on the Northstar's inaugural journey were the partners who helped build the Northstar train - local, state, and federal officials, Republicans and DFLers, business leaders, Chamber of Commerce members, and citizens from the surrounding communities were all there to take the inaugural ride from Big Lake to Minneapolis. It was "a big group project," as I like to say - one I was proud to be a part of.

But once again, Michele Bachmann showed up for television cameras at the opening celebrations this weekend having done nothing to help build Northstar. Time and again, Michele does everything to advance her own personal agenda while doing nothing to advance the needs of the 6th Congressional District.

As your Congresswoman, you'll always know where to find me - standing up for you. Just as I have in the Senate, I'll fight to ensure we're investing in our transportation future - ensuring we have safe roads for our families, a strong infrastructure network for our businesses, and reduce congestion for all of us.

Read about Michele Bachmann's transportation record in the state senate here.

Money quote from Michele Bachmann's State Senate campaign website:

"As your District 52 State Senator, I will work hard to add capacity
to Minnesota highways.... This is my personal commitment to you."
"Michele believes a successful transportation policy must put an end
to the diversion of scarce funds to impractical and expensive rail
transit programs that will have no direct benefit for area residents
and will cost millions of dollars in the future for operating
subsidies. She has called for dedicating 100 percent of the sales
tax on vehicles to road construction."
-- Michele Bachmann
(From Bachmann's old campaign web site)

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