Thursday, February 18, 2010

Americans United Runs Radio Ad Campaign Against Michele Bachmann

The ad is airing February 18 and 19 in St. Cloud on WWJO-FM, KZPK-FM, WJON-AM – and the few thousand dollars behind is plenty to saturate the airwaves in that market. See script below, and listen here.

From Americans United:

We’re making a shining example of Bachmann because I believe she’s the first or among the very few Congressional Republicans (even excluding Minority Leader Boehner) to enthusiastically embrace Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)’s misguided alternative budget proposal that would dismantle Social Security with a privatization scheme and replace Medicare with a voucher system, the growth of which, as Ezra Klein pointed out, “is far slower than the expected growth of health-care costs.”


Script (:60) -- “Hands Off”

Wife: Did you hear what that Michele Bachmann said this time?

Husband: No, what was it?

Wife: Congresswoman Bachmann actually said we should be “weaned” off of Social Security and Medicare. She wants to privatize Social Security and replace Medicare with some kind of voucher system that won’t even cover the full cost of medical care or prescriptions.

Husband: So let me get this straight. Congresswoman Bachmann wants me to gamble with my Social Security on Wall Street?

Wife: Yup, she wants us to hand over our Social Security to the same greedy, reckless CEOs responsible for crashing our economy. That’s just plain crazy.

Husband: No thanks. Privatization was a bad idea when President Bush tried it -- and it’s even worse today.

Wife: And Congresswoman Bachmann actually wants me to trade in my Medicare for some voucher that’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. She should spend less time on national TV and more time worrying about Senior citizens back home in Minnesota.

Husband: Let’s call Congresswoman Bachmann right now at 320-253-5931 and tell her, “Hands off my Social Security and Medicare.”

Update: Minn Post covers the ad launch here.

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